CPage 191
- English Word Chuck Definition A small pebble; -- called also chuckstone and chuckiestone.
- English Word Chuck Definition A game played with chucks, in which one or more are tossed up and caught; jackstones.
- English Word Chuck Definition A piece of the backbone of an animal, from between the neck and the collar bone, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking; as, a chuck steak; a chuck roast.
- English Word Chuck-Will's-widow Definition A species of goatsucker (Antrostomus Carolinensis), of the southern United States; -- so called from its note.
- English Word Chucked Definition of Chuck
- English Word Chucked Definition of Chuck
- English Word Chucking Definition of Chuck
- English Word Chucking Definition of Chuck
- English Word Chuckle Definition To call, as a hen her chickens; to cluck.
- English Word Chuckle Definition To fondle; to cocker.
- English Word Chuckle Definition A short, suppressed laugh; the expression of satisfaction, exultation, or derision.
- English Word Chuckle Definition To laugh in a suppressed or broken manner, as expressing inward satisfaction, exultation, or derision.
- English Word Chuckled Definition of Chuckle
- English Word Chucklehead Definition A person with a large head; a numskull; a dunce.
- English Word Chuckleheaded Definition Having a large head; thickheaded; dull; stupid.
- English Word Chuckling Definition of Chuckle
- English Word Chud Definition To champ; to bite.
- English Word Chuet Definition Minced meat.
- English Word Chufa Definition A sedgelike plant (Cyperus esculentus) producing edible tubers, native about the Mediterranean, now cultivated in many regions; the earth almond.
- English Word Chuff Definition A coarse or stupid fellow.
- English Word Chuff Definition Stupid; churlish.
- English Word Chuffily Definition Clownishly; surlily.
- English Word Chuffiness Definition The quality of being chuffy.
- English Word Chuffy Definition Fat or puffed out in the cheeks.
- English Word Chuffy Definition Rough; clownish; surly.
- English Word Chulan Definition The fragrant flowers of the Chloranthus inconspicuus, used in China for perfuming tea.
- English Word Chum Definition A roommate, especially in a college or university; an old and intimate friend.
- English Word Chum Definition To occupy a chamber with another; as, to chum together at college.
- English Word Chum Definition Chopped pieces of fish used as bait.
- English Word Chummed Definition of Chum