CPage 174
- English Word Chlorate Definition A salt of chloric acid; as, chlorate of potassium.
- English Word Chloraurate Definition See Aurochloride.
- English Word Chlorhydric Definition Same as Hydrochloric.
- English Word Chlorhydrin Definition One of a class of compounds formed from certain polybasic alcohols (and especially glycerin) by the substitution of chlorine for one or more hydroxyl groups.
- English Word Chloric Definition Pertaining to, or obtained from, chlorine; -- said of those compounds of chlorine in which this element has a valence of five, or the next to its highest; as, chloric acid, HClO3.
- English Word Chloridate Definition To treat or prepare with a chloride, as a plate with chloride of silver, for the purposes of photography.
- English Word Chloride Definition A binary compound of chlorine with another element or radical; as, chloride of sodium (common salt).
- English Word Chloridic Definition Of or pertaining to a chloride; containing a chloride.
- English Word Chloridize Definition See Chloridate.
- English Word Chlorimetry Definition See Chlorometry.
- English Word Chlorinate Definition To treat, or cause to combine, with chlorine.
- English Word Chlorinated Definition of Chlorinate
- English Word Chlorinating Definition of Chlorinate
- English Word Chlorination Definition The act or process of subjecting anything to the action of chlorine; especially, a process for the extraction of gold by exposure of the auriferous material to chlorine gas.
- English Word Chlorine Definition One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound being common salt. It is powerful oxidizing, bleaching, and disinfecting agent. Symbol Cl. Atomic weight, 35.4.
- English Word Chloriodic Definition Compounded of chlorine and iodine; containing chlorine and iodine.
- English Word Chloriodine Definition A compound of chlorine and iodine.
- English Word Chlorite Definition The name of a group of minerals, usually of a green color and micaceous to granular in structure. They are hydrous silicates of alumina, iron, and magnesia.
- English Word Chlorite Definition Any salt of chlorous acid; as, chlorite of sodium.
- English Word Chloritic Definition Pertaining to, or containing, chlorite; as, chloritic sand.
- English Word Chlormethane Definition A colorless gas, CH3Cl, of a sweet odor, easily condensed to a liquid; -- called also methyl chloride.
- English Word Chloro- Definition A prefix denoting that chlorine is an ingredient in the substance named.
- English Word Chlorocruorin Definition A green substance, supposed to be the cause of the green color of the blood in some species of worms.
- English Word Chlorodyne Definition A patent anodyne medicine, containing opium, chloroform, Indian hemp, etc.
- English Word Chloroform Definition A colorless volatile liquid, CHCl3, having an ethereal odor and a sweetish taste, formed by treating alcohol with chlorine and an alkali. It is a powerful solvent of wax, resin, etc., and is extensively used to produce anaesthesia in surgical operations; also externally, to alleviate pain.
- English Word Chloroform Definition To treat with chloroform, or to place under its influence.
- English Word Chloroformed Definition of Chloroform
- English Word Chloroforming Definition of Chloroform
- English Word Chloroleucite Definition Same as Chloroplastid.
- English Word Chlorometer Definition An instrument to test the decoloring or bleaching power of chloride of lime.