CPage 16
- English Word Calcining Definition of Calcine
- English Word Calcispongiae Definition An order of marine sponges, containing calcareous spicules. See Porifera.
- English Word Calcite Definition Calcium carbonate, or carbonate of lime. It is rhombohedral in its crystallization, and thus distinguished from aragonite. It includes common limestone, chalk, and marble. Called also calc-spar and calcareous spar.
- English Word Calcitrant Definition Kicking. Hence: Stubborn; refractory.
- English Word Calcitrate Definition To kick.
- English Word Calcitration Definition Act of kicking.
- English Word Calcium Definition An elementary substance; a metal which combined with oxygen forms lime. It is of a pale yellow color, tenacious, and malleable. It is a member of the alkaline earth group of elements. Atomic weight 40. Symbol Ca.
- English Word Calcivorous Definition Eroding, or eating into, limestone.
- English Word Calcographer Definition One who practices calcography.
- English Word Calcographic Definition Alt. of Calcographical
- English Word Calcographical Definition Relating to, or in the style of, calcography.
- English Word Calcography Definition The art of drawing with chalk.
- English Word Calculable Definition That may be calculated or ascertained by calculation.
- English Word Calculary Definition Of or pertaining to calculi.
- English Word Calculary Definition A congeries of little stony knots found in the pulp of the pear and other fruits.
- English Word Calculate Definition To ascertain or determine by mathematical processes, usually by the ordinary rules of arithmetic; to reckon up; to estimate; to compute.
- English Word Calculate Definition To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of; to forecast or compute the character or consequences of; as, to calculate or cast one's nativity.
- English Word Calculate Definition To adjust for purpose; to adapt by forethought or calculation; to fit or prepare by the adaptation of means to an end; as, to calculate a system of laws for the government and protection of a free people.
- English Word Calculate Definition To plan; to expect; to think.
- English Word Calculate Definition To make a calculation; to forecast consequences; to estimate; to compute.
- English Word Calculated Definition Worked out by calculation; as calculated tables for computing interest; ascertained or conjectured as a result of calculation; as, the calculated place of a planet; the calculated velocity of a cannon ball.
- English Word Calculated Definition Adapted by calculation, contrivance. or forethought to accomplish a purpose; as, to use arts calculated to deceive the people.
- English Word Calculated Definition Likely to produce a certain effect, whether intended or not; fitted; adapted; suited.
- English Word Calculater Definition of Calculate
- English Word Calculating Definition of Calculate
- English Word Calculating Definition Of or pertaining to mathematical calculations; performing or able to perform mathematical calculations.
- English Word Calculating Definition Given to contrivance or forethought; forecasting; scheming; as, a cool calculating disposition.
- English Word Calculating Definition The act or process of making mathematical computations or of estimating results.
- English Word Calculation Definition The act or process, or the result, of calculating; computation; reckoning, estimate.
- English Word Calculation Definition An expectation based on circumstances.