CPage 142
- English Word Chargeably Definition At great cost; expensively.
- English Word Chargeant Definition Burdensome; troublesome.
- English Word Charged Definition of Charge
- English Word Chargeful Definition Costly; expensive.
- English Word Chargehouse Definition A schoolhouse.
- English Word Chargeless Definition Free from, or with little, charge.
- English Word Chargeous Definition Burdensome.
- English Word Charger Definition One who, or that which charges.
- English Word Charger Definition An instrument for measuring or inserting a charge.
- English Word Charger Definition A large dish.
- English Word Charger Definition A horse for battle or parade.
- English Word Charges d'affaires Definition of Charge d'affaires
- English Word Chargeship Definition The office of a charge d'affaires.
- English Word Charging Definition of Charge
- English Word Chargrining Definition of Chagrin
- English Word Charily Definition In a chary manner; carefully; cautiously; frugally.
- English Word Chariness Definition The quality of being chary.
- English Word Chariot Definition A two-wheeled car or vehicle for war, racing, state processions, etc.
- English Word Chariot Definition A four-wheeled pleasure or state carriage, having one seat.
- English Word Chariot Definition To convey in a chariot.
- English Word Charioted Definition of Chariot
- English Word Chariotee Definition A light, covered, four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats.
- English Word Charioteer Definition One who drives a chariot.
- English Word Charioteer Definition A constellation. See Auriga, and Wagones.
- English Word Charioting Definition of Chariot
- English Word Charism Definition A miraculously given power, as of healing, speaking foreign languages without instruction, etc., attributed to some of the early Christians.
- English Word Charismatic Definition Of or pertaining to a charism.
- English Word Charitable Definition Full of love and good will; benevolent; kind.
- English Word Charitable Definition Liberal in judging of others; disposed to look on the best side, and to avoid harsh judgment.
- English Word Charitable Definition Liberal in benefactions to the poor; giving freely; generous; beneficent.