CPage 137
- English Word Chapel Definition A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey.
- English Word Chapel Definition An association of workmen in a printing office.
- English Word Chapel Definition To deposit or inter in a chapel; to enshrine.
- English Word Chapel Definition To cause (a ship taken aback in a light breeze) so to turn or make a circuit as to recover, without bracing the yards, the same tack on which she had been sailing.
- English Word Chapeless Definition Without a chape.
- English Word Chapelet Definition A pair of straps, with stirrups, joined at the top and fastened to the pommel or the frame of the saddle, after they have been adjusted to the convenience of the rider.
- English Word Chapelet Definition A kind of chain pump, or dredging machine.
- English Word Chapellanies Definition of Chapellany
- English Word Chapellany Definition A chapel within the jurisdiction of a church; a subordinate ecclesiastical foundation.
- English Word Chapelry Definition The territorial district legally assigned to a chapel.
- English Word Chaperon Definition A hood; especially, an ornamental or an official hood.
- English Word Chaperon Definition A device placed on the foreheads of horses which draw the hearse in pompous funerals.
- English Word Chaperon Definition A matron who accompanies a young lady in public, for propriety, or as a guide and protector.
- English Word Chaperon Definition To attend in public places as a guide and protector; to matronize.
- English Word Chaperonage Definition Attendance of a chaperon on a lady in public; protection afforded by a chaperon.
- English Word Chaperoned Definition of Chaperon
- English Word Chaperoning Definition of Chaperon
- English Word Chapeux Definition of Chapeau
- English Word Chapfallen Definition Having the lower chap or jaw drooping, -- an indication of humiliation and dejection; crestfallen; discouraged. See Chopfallen.
- English Word Chapiter Definition A capital [Obs.] See Chapital.
- English Word Chapiter Definition A summary in writing of such matters as are to be inquired of or presented before justices in eyre, or justices of assize, or of the peace, in their sessions; -- also called articles.
- English Word Chaplain Definition An ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs religious service in a chapel.
- English Word Chaplain Definition A clergyman who is officially attached to the army or navy, to some public institution, or to a family or court, for the purpose of performing divine service.
- English Word Chaplain Definition Any person (clergyman or layman) chosen to conduct religious exercises for a society, etc.; as, a chaplain of a Masonic or a temperance lodge.
- English Word Chaplaincy Definition The office, position, or station of a chaplain.
- English Word Chaplainship Definition The office or business of a chaplain.
- English Word Chaplainship Definition The possession or revenue of a chapel.
- English Word Chapless Definition Having no lower jaw; hence, fleshless.
- English Word Chaplet Definition A garland or wreath to be worn on the head.
- English Word Chaplet Definition A string of beads, or part of a string, used by Roman Catholic in praying; a third of a rosary, or fifty beads.