CPage 117
- English Word Cerebralism Definition The doctrine or theory that psychical phenomena are functions or products of the brain only.
- English Word Cerebralist Definition One who accepts cerebralism.
- English Word Cerebrate Definition To exhibit mental activity; to have the brain in action.
- English Word Cerebration Definition Action of the brain, whether conscious or unconscious.
- English Word Cerebric Definition Of, pertaining to, or derived from, the brain.
- English Word Cerebricity Definition Brain power.
- English Word Cerebriform Definition Like the brain in form or substance.
- English Word Cerebrifugal Definition Applied to those nerve fibers which go from the brain to the spinal cord, and so transfer cerebral impulses (centrifugal impressions) outwards.
- English Word Cerebrin Definition A nonphosphorized, nitrogenous substance, obtained from brain and nerve tissue by extraction with boiling alcohol. It is uncertain whether it exists as such in nerve tissue, or is a product of the decomposition of some more complex substance.
- English Word Cerebripetal Definition Applied to those nerve fibers which go from the spinal cord to the brain and so transfer sensations (centripetal impressions) from the exterior inwards.
- English Word Cerebritis Definition Inflammation of the cerebrum.
- English Word Cerebro-spinal Definition Of or pertaining to the central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
- English Word Cerebroid Definition Resembling, or analogous to, the cerebrum or brain.
- English Word Cerebrology Definition The science which treats of the cerebrum or brain.
- English Word Cerebropathy Definition A hypochondriacal condition verging upon insanity, occurring in those whose brains have been unduly taxed; -- called also brain fag.
- English Word Cerebroscopy Definition Examination of the brain for the diagnosis of disease; esp., the act or process of diagnosticating the condition of the brain by examination of the interior of the eye (as with an ophthalmoscope).
- English Word Cerebrose Definition A sugarlike body obtained by the decomposition of the nitrogenous non-phosphorized principles of the brain.
- English Word Cerebrum Definition The anterior, and in man the larger, division of the brain; the seat of the reasoning faculties and the will. See Brain.
- English Word Cerebrums Definition of Cerebrum
- English Word Cerecloth Definition A cloth smeared with melted wax, or with some gummy or glutinous matter.
- English Word Cered Definition of Cere
- English Word Cerement Definition A cerecloth used for the special purpose of enveloping a dead body when embalmed.
- English Word Cerement Definition Any shroud or wrapping for the dead.
- English Word Ceremonial Definition Relating to ceremony, or external rite; ritual; according to the forms of established rites.
- English Word Ceremonial Definition Observant of forms; ceremonious. [In this sense ceremonious is now preferred.]
- English Word Ceremonial Definition A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or established by custom, in religious worship, social intercourse, or the courts of princes; outward form.
- English Word Ceremonial Definition The order for rites and forms in the Roman Catholic church, or the book containing the rules prescribed to be observed on solemn occasions.
- English Word Ceremonialism Definition Adherence to external rites; fondness for ceremony.
- English Word Ceremonially Definition According to rites and ceremonies; as, a person ceremonially unclean.
- English Word Ceremonialness Definition Quality of being ceremonial.