CPage 111
- English Word Centigrade Definition Consisting of a hundred degrees; graduated into a hundred divisions or equal parts.
- English Word Centigrade Definition Of or pertaining to the centigrade thermometer; as, 10¡ centigrade (or 10¡ C.).
- English Word Centigram Definition Alt. of Centigramme
- English Word Centigramme Definition The hundredth part of a gram; a weight equal to .15432 of a grain. See Gram.
- English Word Centiliter Definition Alt. of Centilitre
- English Word Centilitre Definition The hundredth part of a liter; a measure of volume or capacity equal to a little more than six tenths (0.6102) of a cubic inch, or one third (0.338) of a fluid ounce.
- English Word Centiloquy Definition A work divided into a hundred parts.
- English Word Centime Definition The hundredth part of a franc; a small French copper coin and money of account.
- English Word Centimeter Definition Alt. of Centimetre
- English Word Centimetre Definition The hundredth part of a meter; a measure of length equal to rather more than thirty-nine hundredths (0.3937) of an inch. See Meter.
- English Word Centinel Definition Sentinel.
- English Word Centinody Definition A weed with a stem of many joints (Illecebrum verticillatum); also, the Polygonum aviculare or knotgrass.
- English Word Centiped Definition A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened, venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of feet.
- English Word Centistere Definition The hundredth part of a stere, equal to .353 cubic feet.
- English Word Centner Definition A weight divisible first into a hundred parts, and then into smaller parts.
- English Word Centner Definition The commercial hundredweight in several of the continental countries, varying in different places from 100 to about 112 pounds.
- English Word Cento Definition A literary or a musical composition formed by selections from different authors disposed in a new order.
- English Word Centonism Definition The composition of a cento; the act or practice of composing a cento or centos.
- English Word Centos Definition of Cento
- English Word Centra Definition of Centrum
- English Word Central Definition Relating to the center; situated in or near the center or middle; containing the center; of or pertaining to the parts near the center; equidistant or equally accessible from certain points.
- English Word Central Definition Alt. of Centrale
- English Word Centrale Definition The central, or one of the central, bones of the carpus or or tarsus. In the tarsus of man it is represented by the navicular.
- English Word Centralism Definition The state or condition of being central; the combination of several parts into one whole; centralization.
- English Word Centralism Definition The system by which power is centralized, as in a government.
- English Word Centralities Definition of Centrality
- English Word Centrality Definition The state of being central; tendency towards a center.
- English Word Centralization Definition The act or process of centralizing, or the state of being centralized; the act or process of combining or reducing several parts into a whole; as, the centralization of power in the general government; the centralization of commerce in a city.
- English Word Centralize Definition To draw or bring to a center point; to gather into or about a center; to bring into one system, or under one control.
- English Word Centralized Definition of Centralize