CPage 107
- English Word Celt Definition One of an ancient race of people, who formerly inhabited a great part of Central and Western Europe, and whose descendants at the present day occupy Ireland, Wales, the Highlands of Scotland, and the northern shores of France.
- English Word Celt Definition A weapon or implement of stone or metal, found in the tumuli, or barrows, of the early Celtic nations.
- English Word Celtiberian Definition Of or pertaining to the ancient Celtiberia (a district in Spain lying between the Ebro and the Tagus) or its inhabitants the Celtiberi (Celts of the river Iberus).
- English Word Celtiberian Definition An inhabitant of Celtiberia.
- English Word Celtic Definition Of or pertaining to the Celts; as, Celtic people, tribes, literature, tongue.
- English Word Celtic Definition The language of the Celts.
- English Word Celticism Definition A custom of the Celts, or an idiom of their language.
- English Word Celticize Definition To render Celtic; to assimilate to the Celts.
- English Word Cembalo Definition An old name for the harpsichord.
- English Word Cement Definition Any substance used for making bodies adhere to each other, as mortar, glue, etc.
- English Word Cement Definition A kind of calcined limestone, or a calcined mixture of clay and lime, for making mortar which will harden under water.
- English Word Cement Definition The powder used in cementation. See Cementation, n., 2.
- English Word Cement Definition Bond of union; that which unites firmly, as persons in friendship, or men in society.
- English Word Cement Definition The layer of bone investing the root and neck of a tooth; -- called also cementum.
- English Word Cement Definition To unite or cause to adhere by means of a cement.
- English Word Cement Definition To unite firmly or closely.
- English Word Cement Definition To overlay or coat with cement; as, to cement a cellar bottom.
- English Word Cement Definition To become cemented or firmly united; to cohere.
- English Word Cemental Definition Of or pertaining to cement, as of a tooth; as, cemental tubes.
- English Word Cementation Definition The act or process of cementing.
- English Word Cementation Definition A process which consists in surrounding a solid body with the powder of other substances, and heating the whole to a degree not sufficient to cause fusion, the physical properties of the body being changed by chemical combination with powder; thus iron becomes steel by cementation with charcoal, and green glass becomes porcelain by cementation with sand.
- English Word Cementatory Definition Having the quality of cementing or uniting firmly.
- English Word Cemented Definition of Cement
- English Word Cementer Definition A person or thing that cements.
- English Word Cementing Definition of Cement
- English Word Cementitious Definition Of the nature of cement.
- English Word Cemeterial Definition Of or pertaining to a cemetery.
- English Word Cemeteries Definition of Cemetery
- English Word Cemetery Definition A place or ground set apart for the burial of the dead; a graveyard; a churchyard; a necropolis.
- English Word Cenanthy Definition The absence or suppression of the essential organs (stamens and pistil) in a flower.