APage 118
- English Word Agnominate Definition To name.
- English Word Agnomination Definition A surname.
- English Word Agnomination Definition Paronomasia; also, alliteration; annomination.
- English Word Agnostic Definition Professing ignorance; involving no dogmatic; pertaining to or involving agnosticism.
- English Word Agnostic Definition One who professes ignorance, or denies that we have any knowledge, save of phenomena; one who supports agnosticism, neither affirming nor denying the existence of a personal Deity, a future life, etc.
- English Word Agnosticism Definition That doctrine which, professing ignorance, neither asserts nor denies.
- English Word Agnosticism Definition The doctrine that the existence of a personal Deity, an unseen world, etc., can be neither proved nor disproved, because of the necessary limits of the human mind (as sometimes charged upon Hamilton and Mansel), or because of the insufficiency of the evidence furnished by physical and physical data, to warrant a positive conclusion (as taught by the school of Herbert Spencer); -- opposed alike dogmatic skepticism and to dogmatic theism.
- English Word Agnus Definition Agnus Dei.
- English Word Agnus castus Definition A species of Vitex (V. agnus castus); the chaste tree.
- English Word Agnus Dei Definition A figure of a lamb bearing a cross or flag.
- English Word Agnus Dei Definition A cake of wax stamped with such a figure. It is made from the remains of the paschal candles and blessed by the Pope.
- English Word Agnus Dei Definition A triple prayer in the sacrifice of the Mass, beginning with the words "Agnus Dei."
- English Word Agnuses Definition of Agnus
- English Word Ago Definition Past; gone by; since; as, ten years ago; gone long ago.
- English Word Agog Definition In eager desire; eager; astir.
- English Word Agoing Definition In motion; in the act of going; as, to set a mill agoing.
- English Word Agon Definition A contest for a prize at the public games.
- English Word Agone Definition Ago.
- English Word Agone Definition Agonic line.
- English Word Agones Definition of Agon
- English Word Agonic Definition Not forming an angle.
- English Word Agonies Definition of Agony
- English Word Agonism Definition Contention for a prize; a contest.
- English Word Agonist Definition One who contends for the prize in public games.
- English Word Agonistic Definition Alt. of Agonistical
- English Word Agonistical Definition Pertaining to violent contests, bodily or mental; pertaining to athletic or polemic feats; athletic; combative; hence, strained; unnatural.
- English Word Agonistically Definition In an agonistic manner.
- English Word Agonistics Definition The science of athletic combats, or contests in public games.
- English Word Agonize Definition To writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.
- English Word Agonize Definition To struggle; to wrestle; to strive desperately.