APage 117
- English Word Agitation Definition Examination or consideration of a subject in controversy, or of a plan proposed for adoption; earnest discussion; debate.
- English Word Agitative Definition Tending to agitate.
- English Word Agitato Definition Sung or played in a restless, hurried, and spasmodic manner.
- English Word Agitator Definition One who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others; as, political reformers and agitators.
- English Word Agitator Definition One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell's time, to look after their interests; -- called also adjutators.
- English Word Agitator Definition An implement for shaking or mixing.
- English Word Agleam Definition Gleaming; as, faces agleam.
- English Word Aglet Definition Alt. of Aiglet
- English Word Agley Definition Aside; askew.
- English Word Aglimmer Definition In a glimmering state.
- English Word Aglitter Definition Glittering; in a glitter.
- English Word Aglossal Definition Without tongue; tongueless.
- English Word Aglow Definition In a glow; glowing; as, cheeks aglow; the landscape all aglow.
- English Word Aglutition Definition Inability to swallow.
- English Word Agminal Definition Pertaining to an army marching, or to a train.
- English Word Agminate Definition Alt. of Agminated
- English Word Agminated Definition Grouped together; as, the agminated glands of Peyer in the small intestine.
- English Word Agnail Definition A corn on the toe or foot.
- English Word Agnail Definition An inflammation or sore under or around the nail; also, a hangnail.
- English Word Agnate Definition Related or akin by the father's side; also, sprung from the same male ancestor.
- English Word Agnate Definition Allied; akin.
- English Word Agnate Definition A relative whose relationship can be traced exclusively through males.
- English Word Agnatic Definition Pertaining to descent by the male line of ancestors.
- English Word Agnation Definition Consanguinity by a line of males only, as distinguished from cognation.
- English Word Agni Definition of Agnus
- English Word Agnition Definition Acknowledgment.
- English Word Agnize Definition To recognize; to acknowledge.
- English Word Agnoiology Definition The doctrine concerning those things of which we are necessarily ignorant.
- English Word Agnomen Definition An additional or fourth name given by the Romans, on account of some remarkable exploit or event; as, Publius Caius Scipio Africanus.
- English Word Agnomen Definition An additional name, or an epithet appended to a name; as, Aristides the Just.