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- English Word Test Definition Examination or trial by the cupel; hence, any critical examination or decisive trial; as, to put a man's assertions to a test.
- English Word Test Definition Means of trial; as, absence is a test of love.
- English Word Test Definition That with which anything is compared for proof of its genuineness; a touchstone; a standard.
- English Word Test Definition Discriminative characteristic; standard of judgment; ground of admission or exclusion.
- English Word Test Definition Judgment; distinction; discrimination.
- English Word Test Definition A reaction employed to recognize or distinguish any particular substance or constituent of a compound, as the production of some characteristic precipitate; also, the reagent employed to produce such reaction; thus, the ordinary test for sulphuric acid is the production of a white insoluble precipitate of barium sulphate by means of some soluble barium salt.
- English Word Test Definition To refine, as gold or silver, in a test, or cupel; to subject to cupellation.
- English Word Test Definition To put to the proof; to prove the truth, genuineness, or quality of by experiment, or by some principle or standard; to try; as, to test the soundness of a principle; to test the validity of an argument.
- English Word Test Definition To examine or try, as by the use of some reagent; as, to test a solution by litmus paper.
- English Word Test Definition A witness.
- English Word Test Definition To make a testament, or will.
- English Word Test Definition Alt. of Testa
- English Word Testa Definition The external hard or firm covering of many invertebrate animals.
- English Word Testa Definition The outer integument of a seed; the episperm, or spermoderm.
- English Word Testable Definition Capable of being tested or proved.
- English Word Testable Definition Capable of being devised, or given by will.
- English Word Testacea Definition Invertebrate animals covered with shells, especially mollusks; shellfish.
- English Word Testacean Definition Onr of the Testacea.
- English Word Testaceography Definition The science which treats of testaceans, or shellfish; the description of shellfish.
- English Word Testaceology Definition The science of testaceous mollusks; conchology.
- English Word Testaceous Definition Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or having a hard shell.
- English Word Testaceous Definition Having a dull red brick color or a brownish yellow color.
- English Word Testacy Definition The state or circumstance of being testate, or of leaving a valid will, or testament, at death.
- English Word Testae Definition of Testa
- English Word Testament Definition A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his will as to disposal of his estate and effects after his death.
- English Word Testament Definition One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures, in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in colloquial language, to the latter.
- English Word Testamental Definition Of or pertaining to a testament; testamentary.
- English Word Testamentary Definition Of or pertaining to a will, or testament; as, letters testamentary.
- English Word Testamentary Definition Bequeathed by will; given by testament.
- English Word Testamentary Definition Done, appointed by, or founded on, a testament, or will; as, a testamentary guardian of a minor, who may be appointed by the will of a father to act in that capacity until the child becomes of age.