TPage 61
- English Word Tenebricose Definition Tenebrous; dark; gloomy.
- English Word Tenebrific Definition Rendering dark or gloomy; tenebrous; gloomy.
- English Word Tenebrificous Definition Tenebrific.
- English Word Tenebrious Definition Tenebrous.
- English Word Tenebrose Definition Characterized by darkness or gloom; tenebrous.
- English Word Tenebrosity Definition The quality or state of being tenebrous; tenebrousness.
- English Word Tenebrous Definition Dark; gloomy; dusky; tenebrious.
- English Word Tenement Definition That which is held of another by service; property which one holds of a lord or proprietor in consideration of some military or pecuniary service; fief; fee.
- English Word Tenement Definition Any species of permanent property that may be held, so as to create a tenancy, as lands, houses, rents, commons, an office, an advowson, a franchise, a right of common, a peerage, and the like; -- called also free / frank tenements.
- English Word Tenement Definition A dwelling house; a building for a habitation; also, an apartment, or suite of rooms, in a building, used by one family; often, a house erected to be rented.
- English Word Tenement Definition Fig.: Dwelling; abode; habitation.
- English Word Tenemental Definition Of or pertaining to a tenement; capable of being held by tenants.
- English Word Tenementary Definition Capable of being leased; held by tenants.
- English Word Tenent Definition A tenet.
- English Word Teneral Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, a condition assumed by the imago of certain Neuroptera, after exclusion from the pupa. In this state the insect is soft, and has not fully attained its mature coloring.
- English Word Teneriffe Definition A white wine resembling Madeira in taste, but more tart, produced in Teneriffe, one of the Canary Islands; -- called also Vidonia.
- English Word Tenerity Definition Tenderness.
- English Word Tenesmic Definition Of or pertaining to tenesmus; characterized by tenesmus.
- English Word Tenesmus Definition An urgent and distressing sensation, as if a discharge from the intestines must take place, although none can be effected; -- always referred to the lower extremity of the rectum.
- English Word Tenet Definition Any opinion, principle, dogma, belief, or doctrine, which a person holds or maintains as true; as, the tenets of Plato or of Cicero.
- English Word Tenfold Definition In tens; consisting of ten in one; ten times repeated.
- English Word Tenia Definition See Taenia.
- English Word Tenioid Definition See Taenoid.
- English Word Tennantite Definition A blackish lead-gray mineral, closely related to tetrahedrite. It is essentially a sulphide of arsenic and copper.
- English Word Tenne Definition A tincture, rarely employed, which is considered as an orange color or bright brown. It is represented by diagonal lines from sinister to dexter, crossed by vertical lines.
- English Word Tennis Definition A play in which a ball is driven to and fro, or kept in motion by striking it with a racket or with the open hand.
- English Word Tennis Definition To drive backward and forward, as a ball in playing tennis.
- English Word Tennu Definition The tapir.
- English Word Tenon Definition A projecting member left by cutting away the wood around it, and made to insert into a mortise, and in this way secure together the parts of a frame; especially, such a member when it passes entirely through the thickness of the piece in which the mortise is cut, and shows on the other side. Cf. Tooth, Tusk.
- English Word Tenon Definition To cut or fit for insertion into a mortise, as the end of a piece of timber.