TPage 296
- English Word Tutor Definition A private or public teacher.
- English Word Tutor Definition An officer or member of some hall, who instructs students, and is responsible for their discipline.
- English Word Tutor Definition An instructor of a lower rank than a professor.
- English Word Tutor Definition To have the guardianship or care of; to teach; to instruct.
- English Word Tutor Definition To play the tutor toward; to treat with authority or severity.
- English Word Tutorage Definition The office or occupation of a tutor; tutorship; guardianship.
- English Word Tutored Definition of Tutor
- English Word Tutoress Definition A woman who performs the duties of a tutor; an instructress.
- English Word Tutorial Definition Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
- English Word Tutoring Definition of Tutor
- English Word Tutorism Definition Tutorship.
- English Word Tutorize Definition To teach; to instruct.
- English Word Tutorship Definition The office, duty, or care of a tutor; guardianship; tutelage.
- English Word Tutory Definition Tutorage.
- English Word Tutress Definition Tutoress.
- English Word Tutrix Definition A female guardian; a tutoress.
- English Word Tutsan Definition A plant of the genus Hypericum (H. Androsoemum), from which a healing ointment is prepared in Spain; -- called also parkleaves.
- English Word Tutti Definition All; -- a direction for all the singers or players to perform together.
- English Word Tutty Definition A yellow or brown amorphous substance obtained as a sublimation product in the flues of smelting furnaces of zinc, and consisting of a crude zinc oxide.
- English Word Tuyere Definition A nozzle, mouthpiece, or fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge.
- English Word Tuz Definition A lock or tuft of hair.
- English Word Tuza Definition The tucan.
- English Word Twaddle Definition To talk in a weak and silly manner, like one whose faculties are decayed; to prate; to prattle.
- English Word Twaddle Definition Silly talk; gabble; fustian.
- English Word Twaddler Definition One who prates in a weak and silly manner, like one whose faculties are decayed.
- English Word Twaddling Definition a. & n. from Twaddle, v.
- English Word Twaddy Definition Idle trifling; twaddle.
- English Word Twagger Definition A lamb.
- English Word Twain Definition Two; -- nearly obsolete in common discourse, but used in poetry and burlesque.
- English Word Twaite Definition A European shad; -- called also twaite shad. See Shad.