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- English Word Trinket Definition A thing of little value; a trifle; a toy.
- English Word Trinket Definition To give trinkets; hence, to court favor; to intrigue.
- English Word Trinketer Definition One who trinkets.
- English Word Trinketry Definition Ornaments of dress; trinkets, collectively.
- English Word Trinkle Definition To act secretly, or in an underhand way; to tamper.
- English Word Trinoctial Definition Lasting during three nights; comprising three nights.
- English Word Trinodal Definition Having three knots or nodes; having three points from which a leaf may shoot; as, a trinodal stem.
- English Word Trinodal Definition Having three nodal points.
- English Word Trinomial Definition A quantity consisting of three terms, connected by the sign + or -; as, x + y + z, or ax + 2b - c2.
- English Word Trinomial Definition Consisting of three terms; of or pertaining to trinomials; as, a trinomial root.
- English Word Trinominal Definition Trinomial.
- English Word Trinucleus Definition A genus of Lower Silurian trilobites in which the glabella and cheeks form three rounded elevations on the head.
- English Word Trio Definition Three, considered collectively; three in company or acting together; a set of three; three united.
- English Word Trio Definition A composition for three parts or three instruments.
- English Word Trio Definition The secondary, or episodical, movement of a minuet or scherzo, as in a sonata or symphony, or of a march, or of various dance forms; -- not limited to three parts or instruments.
- English Word Triobolar Definition Alt. of Triobolary
- English Word Triobolary Definition Of the value of three oboli; hence, mean; worthless.
- English Word Trioctile Definition An aspect of two planets with regard to the earth when they are three octants, or three eighths of a circle, that is, 135 degrees, distant from each other.
- English Word Triole Definition Same as Triplet.
- English Word Triolein Definition See Olein.
- English Word Triolet Definition A short poem or stanza of eight lines, in which the first line is repeated as the fourth and again as the seventh line, the second being, repeated as the eighth.
- English Word Trionychoidea Definition A division of chelonians which comprises Trionyx and allied genera; -- called also Trionychoides, and Trionychina.
- English Word Trionyx Definition A genus of fresh-water or river turtles which have the shell imperfectly developed and covered with a soft leathery skin. They are noted for their agility and rapacity. Called also soft tortoise, soft-shell tortoise, and mud turtle.
- English Word Trior Definition Same as Trier, 2 and 3.
- English Word Trioxide Definition An oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, SO3; -- formerly called tritoxide.
- English Word Trip Definition To move with light, quick steps; to walk or move lightly; to skip; to move the feet nimbly; -- sometimes followed by it. See It, 5.
- English Word Trip Definition To make a brief journey or pleasure excursion; as, to trip to Europe.
- English Word Trip Definition To take a quick step, as when in danger of losing one's balance; hence, to make a false; to catch the foot; to lose footing; to stumble.
- English Word Trip Definition Fig.: To be guilty of a misstep; to commit an offense against morality, propriety, or rule; to err; to mistake; to fail.
- English Word Trip Definition To cause to stumble, or take a false step; to cause to lose the footing, by striking the feet from under; to cause to fall; to throw off the balance; to supplant; -- often followed by up; as, to trip up a man in wrestling.