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  • English Word Triatic Definition A term used in the phrase triatic stay. See under Stay.
  • English Word Triatomic Definition Having three atoms; -- said of certain elements or radicals.
  • English Word Triatomic Definition Having a valence of three; trivalent; sometimes, in a specific sense, having three hydroxyl groups, whether acid or basic; thus, glycerin, glyceric acid, and tartronic acid are each triatomic.
  • English Word Tribal Definition Of or pertaining to a tribe or tribes; as, a tribal scepter.
  • English Word Tribalism Definition The state of existing in tribes; also, tribal feeling; tribal prejudice or exclusiveness; tribal peculiarities or characteristics.
  • English Word Tribasic Definition Capable of neutralizing three molecules of a monacid base, or their equivalent; having three hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by basic elements on radicals; -- said of certain acids; thus, citric acid is a tribasic acid.
  • English Word Tribble Definition A frame on which paper is dried.
  • English Word Tribe Definition A family, race, or series of generations, descending from the same progenitor, and kept distinct, as in the case of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the twelve sons of Jacob.
  • English Word Tribe Definition A number of species or genera having certain structural characteristics in common; as, a tribe of plants; a tribe of animals.
  • English Word Tribe Definition A nation of savages or uncivilized people; a body of rude people united under one leader or government; as, the tribes of the Six Nations; the Seneca tribe.
  • English Word Tribe Definition A division, class, or distinct portion of a people, from whatever cause that distinction may have originated; as, the city of Athens was divided into ten tribes.
  • English Word Tribe Definition A family of animals descended from some particular female progenitor, through the female line; as, the Duchess tribe of shorthorns.
  • English Word Tribe Definition To distribute into tribes or classes.
  • English Word Triblet Definition Alt. of Tribolet
  • English Word Tribolet Definition A goldsmith's tool used in making rings.
  • English Word Tribolet Definition A steel cylinder round which metal is drawn in the process of forming tubes.
  • English Word Tribolet Definition A tapering mandrel.
  • English Word Tribometer Definition An instrument to ascertain the degree of friction in rubbing surfaces.
  • English Word Tribrach Definition A poetic foot of three short syllables, as, meblius.
  • English Word Tribracteate Definition Having three bracts.
  • English Word Tribual Definition Alt. of Tribular
  • English Word Tribular Definition Of or relating to a tribe; tribal; as, a tribual characteristic; tribular worship.
  • English Word Tribulation Definition That which occasions distress, trouble, or vexation; severe affliction.
  • English Word Tribunal Definition The seat of a judge; the bench on which a judge and his associates sit for administering justice.
  • English Word Tribunal Definition Hence, a court or forum; as, the House of Lords, in England, is the highest tribunal in the kingdom.
  • English Word Tribunary Definition Of or pertaining to tribunes; as, tribunary powers or authority.
  • English Word Tribunate Definition The state or office of a tribune; tribuneship.
  • English Word Tribune Definition An officer or magistrate chosen by the people, to protect them from the oppression of the patricians, or nobles, and to defend their liberties against any attempts that might be made upon them by the senate and consuls.
  • English Word Tribune Definition Anciently, a bench or elevated place, from which speeches were delivered; in France, a kind of pulpit in the hall of the legislative assembly, where a member stands while making an address; any place occupied by a public orator.
  • English Word Tribuneship Definition The office or power of a tribune.