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  • English Word Tremble Definition To quaver or shake, as sound; to be tremulous; as the voice trembles.
  • English Word Tremble Definition An involuntary shaking or quivering.
  • English Word Trembled Definition of Tremble
  • English Word Trembler Definition One who trembles.
  • English Word Trembling Definition of Tremble
  • English Word Trembling Definition Shaking; tottering; quivering.
  • English Word Tremella Definition A genus of gelatinous fungi found in moist grounds.
  • English Word Tremendous Definition Fitted to excite fear or terror; such as may astonish or terrify by its magnitude, force, or violence; terrible; dreadful; as, a tremendous wind; a tremendous shower; a tremendous shock or fall.
  • English Word Tremex Definition A genus of large hymenopterous insects allied to the sawflies. The female lays her eggs in holes which she bores in the trunks of trees with her large and long ovipositor, and the larva bores in the wood. See Illust. of Horntail.
  • English Word Tremolando Definition Same as Tremando.
  • English Word Tremolite Definition A white variety of amphibole, or hornblende, occurring in long, bladelike crystals, and coarsely fibrous masses.
  • English Word Tremolo Definition The rapid reiteration of tones without any apparent cessation, so as to produce a tremulous effect.
  • English Word Tremolo Definition A certain contrivance in an organ, which causes the notes to sound with rapid pulses or beats, producing a tremulous effect; -- called also tremolant, and tremulant.
  • English Word Tremor Definition A trembling; a shivering or shaking; a quivering or vibratory motion; as, the tremor of a person who is weak, infirm, or old.
  • English Word Tremulant Definition Alt. of Tremulent
  • English Word Tremulent Definition Tremulous; trembling; shaking.
  • English Word Tremulous Definition Shaking; shivering; quivering; as, a tremulous limb; a tremulous motion of the hand or the lips; the tremulous leaf of the poplar.
  • English Word Tremulous Definition Affected with fear or timidity; trembling.
  • English Word Tren Definition A fish spear.
  • English Word Trenail Definition Same as Treenail.
  • English Word Trench Definition To cut; to form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, or the like.
  • English Word Trench Definition To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch; to intrench.
  • English Word Trench Definition To cut furrows or ditches in; as, to trench land for the purpose of draining it.
  • English Word Trench Definition To dig or cultivate very deeply, usually by digging parallel contiguous trenches in succession, filling each from the next; as, to trench a garden for certain crops.
  • English Word Trench Definition To encroach; to intrench.
  • English Word Trench Definition To have direction; to aim or tend.
  • English Word Trench Definition A long, narrow cut in the earth; a ditch; as, a trench for draining land.
  • English Word Trench Definition An alley; a narrow path or walk cut through woods, shrubbery, or the like.
  • English Word Trench Definition An excavation made during a siege, for the purpose of covering the troops as they advance toward the besieged place. The term includes the parallels and the approaches.
  • English Word Trench-plough Definition To plow with deep furrows, for the purpose of loosening the land to a greater depth than usual.