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- English Word Traverser Definition One who traverses, or denies.
- English Word Traverser Definition A traverse table. See under Traverse, n.
- English Word Traversing Definition of Traverse
- English Word Traversing Definition Adjustable laterally; having a lateral motion, or a swinging motion; adapted for giving lateral motion.
- English Word Travertine Definition A white concretionary form of calcium carbonate, usually hard and semicrystalline. It is deposited from the water of springs or streams holding lime in solution. Extensive deposits exist at Tivoli, near Rome.
- English Word Travestied Definition of Travesty
- English Word Travesties Definition of Travesty
- English Word Travesting Definition of Travesty
- English Word Travesty Definition Disguised by dress so as to be ridiculous; travestied; -- applied to a book or shorter composition.
- English Word Travesty Definition A burlesque translation or imitation of a work.
- English Word Travesty Definition To translate, imitate, or represent, so as to render ridiculous or ludicrous.
- English Word Trawl Definition To take fish, or other marine animals, with a trawl.
- English Word Trawl Definition A fishing line, often extending a mile or more, having many short lines bearing hooks attached to it. It is used for catching cod, halibut, etc.; a boulter.
- English Word Trawl Definition A large bag net attached to a beam with iron frames at its ends, and dragged at the bottom of the sea, -- used in fishing, and in gathering forms of marine life from the sea bottom.
- English Word Trawlboat Definition A boat used in fishing with trawls or trawlnets.
- English Word Trawler Definition One who, or that which, trawls.
- English Word Trawler Definition A fishing vessel which trails a net behind it.
- English Word Trawlerman Definition A fisherman who used unlawful arts and engines to catch fish.
- English Word Trawlermen Definition of Trawlerman
- English Word Trawlnet Definition Same as Trawl, n., 2.
- English Word Trawlwarp Definition A rope passing through a block, used in managing or dragging a trawlnet.
- English Word Tray Definition To betray; to deceive.
- English Word Tray Definition A small trough or wooden vessel, sometimes scooped out of a block of wood, for various domestic uses, as in making bread, chopping meat, etc.
- English Word Tray Definition A flat, broad vessel on which dishes, glasses, etc., are carried; a waiter; a salver.
- English Word Tray Definition A shallow box, generally without a top, often used within a chest, trunk, box, etc., as a removable receptacle for small or light articles.
- English Word Tray-trip Definition An old game played with dice.
- English Word Trayful Definition As much as a tray will hold; enough to fill a tray.
- English Word Trayfuls Definition of Trayful
- English Word Trays Definition of Tray
- English Word Trays Definition See Trais.