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- English Word Trachelipod Definition One of the Trachelipoda.
- English Word Trachelipoda Definition An extensive artificial group of gastropods comprising all those which have a spiral shell and the foot attached to the base of the neck.
- English Word Trachelipodous Definition Having the foot united with the neck; of or pertainingto the Trachelipoda.
- English Word Trachelobranchiate Definition Having the gills situated upon the neck; -- said of certain mollusks.
- English Word Trachelorrhaphy Definition The operation of sewing up a laceration of the neck of the uterus.
- English Word Trachenchyma Definition A vegetable tissue consisting of tracheae.
- English Word Tracheobranchia Definition One of the gill-like breathing organs of certain aquatic insect larvae. They contain tracheal tubes somewhat similar to those of other insects.
- English Word Tracheobranchlae Definition of Tracheobranchia
- English Word Tracheobronchial Definition Pertaining both to the tracheal and bronchial tubes, or to their junction; -- said of the syrinx of certain birds.
- English Word Tracheocele Definition Goiter.
- English Word Tracheocele Definition A tumor containing air and communicating with the trachea.
- English Word Tracheophonae Definition A group of passerine birds having the syrinx at the lower end of the trachea.
- English Word Tracheoscopy Definition Examination of the interior of the trachea by means of a mirror.
- English Word Tracheotomy Definition The operation of making an opening into the windpipe.
- English Word Trachinoid Definition Of, pertaining to, or like, Trachinus, a genus of fishes which includes the weevers. See Weever.
- English Word Trachitis Definition Tracheitis.
- English Word Trachycarpous Definition Rough-fruited.
- English Word Trachymedusae Definition A division of acalephs in which the development is direct from the eggs, without a hydroid stage. Some of the species are parasitic on other medusae.
- English Word Trachyspermous Definition Rough-seeded.
- English Word Trachystomata Definition An order of tailed aquatic amphibians, including Siren and Pseudobranchus. They have anterior legs only, are eel-like in form, and have no teeth except a small patch on the palate. The external gills are persistent through life.
- English Word Trachyte Definition An igneous rock, usually light gray in color and breaking with a rough surface. It consists chiefly of orthoclase feldspar with sometimes hornblende and mica.
- English Word Trachytic Definition Of, pertaining to, or resembling, trachyte.
- English Word Trachytoid Definition Resembling trachyte; -- used to define the structure of certain rocks.
- English Word tracing Definition of Trace
- English Word Tracing Definition The act of one who traces; especially, the act of copying by marking on thin paper, or other transparent substance, the lines of a pattern placed beneath; also, the copy thus producted.
- English Word Tracing Definition A regular path or track; a course.
- English Word Track Definition A mark left by something that has passed along; as, the track, or wake, of a ship; the track of a meteor; the track of a sled or a wheel.
- English Word Track Definition A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or beast; trace; vestige; footprint.
- English Word Track Definition The entire lower surface of the foot; -- said of birds, etc.
- English Word Track Definition A road; a beaten path.