TPage 185
- English Word Tough-pitch Definition Copper so reduced; -- called also tough-cake.
- English Word Toughen Definition To grow or make tough, or tougher.
- English Word Toughened Definition of Toughen
- English Word Toughening Definition of Toughen
- English Word Toughish Definition Tough in a slight degree.
- English Word Toughly Definition In a tough manner.
- English Word Toughness Definition The quality or state of being tough.
- English Word Touite Definition The wood warbler.
- English Word Toupee Definition Alt. of Toupet
- English Word Toupet Definition A little tuft; a curl or artificial lock of hair.
- English Word Toupet Definition A small wig, or a toppiece of a wig.
- English Word Toupettit Definition The crested titmouse.
- English Word Tour Definition A tower.
- English Word Tour Definition A going round; a circuit; hence, a journey in a circuit; a prolonged circuitous journey; a comprehensive excursion; as, the tour of Europe; the tour of France or England.
- English Word Tour Definition A turn; a revolution; as, the tours of the heavenly bodies.
- English Word Tour Definition anything done successively, or by regular order; a turn; as, a tour of duty.
- English Word Tour Definition To make a tourm; as, to tour throught a country.
- English Word Touraco Definition Same as Turacou.
- English Word Tourbillion Definition An ornamental firework which turns round, when in the air, so as to form a scroll of fire.
- English Word Toured Definition of Tour
- English Word Touring Definition of Tour
- English Word Tourist Definition One who makes a tour, or performs a journey in a circuit.
- English Word Tourmaline Definition A mineral occurring usually in three-sided or six-sided prisms terminated by rhombohedral or scalenohedral planes. Black tourmaline (schorl) is the most common variety, but there are also other varieties, as the blue (indicolite), red (rubellite), also green, brown, and white. The red and green varieties when transparent are valued as jewels.
- English Word Tourn Definition A spinning wheel.
- English Word Tourn Definition The sheriff's turn, or court.
- English Word Tournament Definition A mock fight, or warlike game, formerly in great favor, in which a number of combatants were engaged, as an exhibition of their address and bravery; hence, figuratively, a real battle.
- English Word Tournament Definition Any contest of skill in which there are many contestents for championship; as, a chess tournament.
- English Word Tournery Definition Work turned on a lathe; turnery.
- English Word Tourney Definition A tournament.
- English Word Tourney Definition To perform in tournaments; to tilt.