TPage 134
- English Word Tie Definition To make a tie; to make an equal score.
- English Word Tie-rod Definition A rod used as a tie. See Tie.
- English Word Tiebar Definition A flat bar used as a tie.
- English Word Tiebeam Definition A beam acting as a tie, as at the bottom of a pair of principal rafters, to prevent them from thrusting out the wall. See Illust. of Timbers, under Roof.
- English Word Tied Definition of Tie
- English Word Tier Definition One who, or that which, ties.
- English Word Tier Definition A chold's apron covering the upper part of the body, and tied with tape or cord; a pinafore.
- English Word Tier Definition A row or rank, especially one of two or more rows placed one above, or higher than, another; as, a tier of seats in a theater.
- English Word Tierce Definition A cask whose content is one third of a pipe; that is, forty-two wine gallons; also, a liquid measure of forty-two wine, or thirty-five imperial, gallons.
- English Word Tierce Definition A cask larger than a barrel, and smaller than a hogshead or a puncheon, in which salt provisions, rice, etc., are packed for shipment.
- English Word Tierce Definition The third tone of the scale. See Mediant.
- English Word Tierce Definition A sequence of three playing cards of the same suit. Tierce of ace, king, queen, is called tierce-major.
- English Word Tierce Definition A position in thrusting or parrying in which the wrist and nails are turned downward.
- English Word Tierce Definition The third hour of the day, or nine a. m,; one of the canonical hours; also, the service appointed for that hour.
- English Word Tierce Definition Divided into three equal parts of three different tinctures; -- said of an escutcheon.
- English Word Tierce-major Definition See Tierce, 4.
- English Word Tiercel Definition Alt. of Tiercelet
- English Word Tiercelet Definition The male of various falcons, esp. of the peregrine; also, the male of the goshawk.
- English Word Tiercet Definition A triplet; three lines, or three lines rhyming together.
- English Word Tiers etat Definition The third estate, or commonalty, in France, answering to the commons in Great Britain; -- so called in distinction from, and as inferior to, the nobles and clergy.
- English Word Ties Definition of Tie
- English Word ties Definition of Constitutionality
- English Word ties Definition of Rurality
- English Word Tietick Definition The meadow pipit.
- English Word Tiewig Definition A wig having a tie or ties, or one having some of the curls tied up; also, a wig tied upon the head.
- English Word Tiff Definition Liquor; especially, a small draught of liquor.
- English Word Tiff Definition A fit of anger or peevishness; a slight altercation or contention. See Tift.
- English Word Tiff Definition To be in a pet.
- English Word Tiff Definition To deck out; to dress.
- English Word Tiffany Definition A species of gause, or very silk.