SPage 74
- English Word Scholastic Definition Of or pertaining to the schoolmen and divines of the Middle Ages (see Schoolman); as, scholastic divinity or theology; scholastic philosophy.
- English Word Scholastic Definition Hence, characterized by excessive subtilty, or needlessly minute subdivisions; pedantic; formal.
- English Word Scholastic Definition One who adheres to the method or subtilties of the schools.
- English Word Scholastic Definition See the Note under Jesuit.
- English Word Scholastical Definition Scholastic.
- English Word Scholastically Definition In a scholastic manner.
- English Word Scholasticism Definition The method or subtilties of the schools of philosophy; scholastic formality; scholastic doctrines or philosophy.
- English Word Scholia Definition See Scholium.
- English Word Scholia Definition of Scholium
- English Word Scholiast Definition A maker of scholia; a commentator or annotator.
- English Word Scholiastic Definition Of or pertaining to a scholiast, or his pursuits.
- English Word Scholiaze Definition To write scholia.
- English Word Scholical Definition Scholastic.
- English Word Scholion Definition A scholium.
- English Word Scholium Definition A marginal annotation; an explanatory remark or comment; specifically, an explanatory comment on the text of a classic author by an early grammarian.
- English Word Scholium Definition A remark or observation subjoined to a demonstration or a train of reasoning.
- English Word Scholiums Definition of Scholium
- English Word Scholy Definition A scholium.
- English Word Scholy Definition To write scholia; to annotate.
- English Word School Definition A shoal; a multitude; as, a school of fish.
- English Word School Definition A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training; as, the school of the prophets.
- English Word School Definition A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school.
- English Word School Definition A session of an institution of instruction.
- English Word School Definition One of the seminaries for teaching logic, metaphysics, and theology, which were formed in the Middle Ages, and which were characterized by academical disputations and subtilties of reasoning.
- English Word School Definition The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors are held.
- English Word School Definition An assemblage of scholars; those who attend upon instruction in a school of any kind; a body of pupils.
- English Word School Definition The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, medicine, politics, etc.
- English Word School Definition The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age; as, he was a gentleman of the old school.
- English Word School Definition Figuratively, any means of knowledge or discipline; as, the school of experience.
- English Word School Definition To train in an institution of learning; to educate at a school; to teach.