SPage 66
- English Word Scarf Definition In a piece which is to be united to another by a scarf joint, the part of the end or edge that is tapered off, rabbeted, or notched so as to be thinner than the rest of the piece.
- English Word Scarf Definition A scarf joint.
- English Word Scarfed Definition of Scarf
- English Word Scarfing Definition of Scarf
- English Word Scarfs Definition of Scarf
- English Word Scarfskin Definition See Epidermis.
- English Word Scarification Definition The act of scarifying.
- English Word Scarificator Definition An instrument, principally used in cupping, containing several lancets moved simultaneously by a spring, for making slight incisions.
- English Word Scarified Definition of Scarify
- English Word Scarifier Definition One who scarifies.
- English Word Scarifier Definition The instrument used for scarifying.
- English Word Scarifier Definition An implement for stripping and loosening the soil, without bringing up a fresh surface.
- English Word Scarify Definition To scratch or cut the skin of; esp. (Med.), to make small incisions in, by means of a lancet or scarificator, so as to draw blood from the smaller vessels without opening a large vein.
- English Word Scarify Definition To stir the surface soil of, as a field.
- English Word Scarifying Definition of Scarify
- English Word Scaring Definition of Scare
- English Word Scariose Definition Alt. of Scarious
- English Word Scarious Definition Thin, dry, membranous, and not green.
- English Word Scarlatina Definition Scarlet fever.
- English Word Scarless Definition Free from scar.
- English Word Scarlet Definition A deep bright red tinged with orange or yellow, -- of many tints and shades; a vivid or bright red color.
- English Word Scarlet Definition Cloth of a scarlet color.
- English Word Scarlet Definition Of the color called scarlet; as, a scarlet cloth or thread.
- English Word Scarlet Definition To dye or tinge with scarlet.
- English Word Scarmage Definition Alt. of Scarmoge
- English Word Scarmoge Definition A slight contest; a skirmish. See Skirmish.
- English Word Scarn Definition Dung.
- English Word Scaroid Definition Of or pertaining to the Scaridae, a family of marine fishes including the parrot fishes.
- English Word Scarp Definition A band in the same position as the bend sinister, but only half as broad as the latter.
- English Word Scarp Definition The slope of the ditch nearest the parapet; the escarp.