SPage 653
- English Word Supine Definition A verbal noun; or (according to C.F.Becker), a case of the infinitive mood ending in -um and -u, that in -um being sometimes called the former supine, and that in -u the latter supine.
- English Word Supinity Definition Supineness.
- English Word Suppage Definition What may be supped; pottage.
- English Word Suppalpation Definition The act of enticing by soft words; enticement.
- English Word Supparasitation Definition The act of flattering to gain favor; servile approbation.
- English Word Supparasite Definition To flatter; to cajole; to act the parasite.
- English Word Suppawn Definition See Supawn.
- English Word Supped Definition of Sup
- English Word Suppedaneous Definition Being under the feet.
- English Word Suppeditate Definition To supply; to furnish.
- English Word Suppeditation Definition Supply; aid afforded.
- English Word Supper Definition A meal taken at the close of the day; the evening meal.
- English Word Supper Definition To take supper; to sup.
- English Word Supper Definition To supply with supper.
- English Word Supperless Definition Having no supper; deprived of supper; as, to go supperless to bed.
- English Word Supping Definition of Sup
- English Word Supping Definition The act of one who sups; the act of taking supper.
- English Word Supping Definition That which is supped; broth.
- English Word Supplace Definition To replace.
- English Word Supplant Definition To trip up.
- English Word Supplant Definition To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the favor of a mistress or a prince.
- English Word Supplant Definition To overthrow, undermine, or force away, in order to get a substitute in place of.
- English Word Supplantation Definition The act of supplanting or displacing.
- English Word Supplanted Definition of Supplant
- English Word Supplanter Definition One who supplants.
- English Word Supplanting Definition of Supplant
- English Word Supple Definition Pliant; flexible; easily bent; as, supple joints; supple fingers.
- English Word Supple Definition Yielding compliant; not obstinate; submissive to guidance; as, a supple horse.
- English Word Supple Definition Bending to the humor of others; flattering; fawning; obsequious.
- English Word Supple Definition To make soft and pliant; to render flexible; as, to supple leather.