SPage 649
- English Word Supernumerary Definition A person or thing beyond the number stated.
- English Word Supernumerary Definition A person or thing beyond what is necessary or usual; especially, a person employed not for regular service, but only to fill the place of another in case of need; specifically, in theaters, a person who is not a regular actor, but is employed to appear in a stage spectacle.
- English Word Superoccipital Definition Supraoccipital.
- English Word Superorder Definition A group intermediate in importance between an order and a subclass.
- English Word Superordination Definition The ordination of a person to fill a station already occupied; especially, the ordination by an ecclesiastical official, during his lifetime, of his successor.
- English Word Superoxide Definition See Peroxide.
- English Word Superparticular Definition Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is a unit, as the ratio of 1 to 2, or of 3 to 4.
- English Word Superpartient Definition Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is more than a unit, as that of 3 to 5, or 7 to 10.
- English Word Superphosphate Definition An acid phosphate.
- English Word Superphysical Definition Above or beyond physics; not explainable by physical laws.
- English Word Superplant Definition A plant growing on another, as the mistletoe; an epiphyte.
- English Word Superplease Definition To please exceedingly.
- English Word Superplus Definition Surplus.
- English Word Superplusage Definition Surplusage.
- English Word Superpolitic Definition More than politic; above or exceeding policy.
- English Word Superponderate Definition To wiegh over and above.
- English Word Superposable Definition Capable of being superposed, as one figure upon another.
- English Word Superpose Definition To lay upon, as one kind of rock on another.
- English Word Superpose Definition To lay (a figure) upon another in such a manner that all the parts of the one coincide with the parts of the other; as, to superpose one plane figure on another.
- English Word Superposed Definition of Superpose
- English Word Superposing Definition of Superpose
- English Word Superposition Definition The act of superposing, or the state of being superposed; as, the superposition of rocks; the superposition of one plane figure on another, in geometry.
- English Word Superpraise Definition To praise to excess.
- English Word Superproportion Definition Overplus or excess of proportion.
- English Word Superpurgation Definition Excessive purgation.
- English Word Superreflection Definition The reflection of a reflected image or sound.
- English Word Superregal Definition More than regal; worthy of one greater than a king.
- English Word Superreward Definition To reward to an excessive degree.
- English Word Superroyal Definition Larger than royal; -- said of a particular size of printing and writing paper. See the Note under Paper, n.
- English Word Supersacral Definition Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the sacrum.