SPage 588
- English Word Stupidity Definition Stupor; astonishment; stupefaction.
- English Word Stupify Definition See Stupefy.
- English Word Stuping Definition of Stupe
- English Word Stupor Definition Great diminution or suspension of sensibility; suppression of sense or feeling; lethargy.
- English Word Stupor Definition Intellectual insensibility; moral stupidity; heedlessness or inattention to one's interests.
- English Word Stupose Definition Composed of, or having, tufted or matted filaments like tow; stupeous.
- English Word Stuprate Definition To ravish; to debauch.
- English Word Stupration Definition Violation of chastity by force; rape.
- English Word Stuprum Definition Stupration.
- English Word Sturb Definition To disturb.
- English Word Sturdily Definition In a sturdy manner.
- English Word Sturdiness Definition Quality of being sturdy.
- English Word Sturdy Definition Foolishly obstinate or resolute; stubborn; unrelenting; unfeeling; stern.
- English Word Sturdy Definition Resolute, in a good sense; or firm, unyielding quality; as, a man of sturdy piety or patriotism.
- English Word Sturdy Definition Characterized by physical strength or force; strong; lusty; violent; as, a sturdy lout.
- English Word Sturdy Definition Stiff; stout; strong; as, a sturdy oak.
- English Word Sturdy Definition A disease in sheep and cattle, marked by great nervousness, or by dullness and stupor.
- English Word Sturgeon Definition Any one of numerous species of large cartilaginous ganoid fishes belonging to Acipenser and allied genera of the family Acipenseridae. They run up rivers to spawn, and are common on the coasts and in the large rivers and lakes of North America, Europe, and Asia. Caviare is prepared from the roe, and isinglass from the air bladder.
- English Word Sturiones Definition An order of fishes including the sturgeons.
- English Word Sturionian Definition One of the family of fishes of which the sturgeon is the type.
- English Word Sturk Definition See Stirk.
- English Word Sturnoid Definition Like or pertaining to the starlings.
- English Word Sturt Definition To vex; to annoy; to startle.
- English Word Sturt Definition Disturbance; annoyance; care.
- English Word Sturt Definition A bargain in tribute mining by which the tributor profits.
- English Word Sturtion Definition A corruption of Nasturtion.
- English Word Stut Definition To stutter.
- English Word Stutter Definition To hesitate or stumble in uttering words; to speak with spasmodic repetition or pauses; to stammer.
- English Word Stutter Definition The act of stuttering; a stammer. See Stammer, and Stuttering.
- English Word Stutter Definition One who stutters; a stammerer.