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  • English Word Studious Definition Given to study; devoted to the acquisition of knowledge from books; as, a studious scholar.
  • English Word Studious Definition Given to thought, or to the examination of subjects by contemplation; contemplative.
  • English Word Studious Definition Earnest in endeavors; aiming sedulously; attentive; observant; diligent; -- usually followed by an infinitive or by of; as, be studious to please; studious to find new friends and allies.
  • English Word Studious Definition Planned with study; deliberate; studied.
  • English Word Studious Definition Favorable to study; suitable for thought and contemplation; as, the studious shade.
  • English Word Study Definition A setting of the mind or thoughts upon a subject; hence, application of mind to books, arts, or science, or to any subject, for the purpose of acquiring knowledge.
  • English Word Study Definition Mental occupation; absorbed or thoughtful attention; meditation; contemplation.
  • English Word Study Definition Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration.
  • English Word Study Definition A building or apartment devoted to study or to literary work.
  • English Word Study Definition A representation or rendering of any object or scene intended, not for exhibition as an original work of art, but for the information, instruction, or assistance of the maker; as, a study of heads or of hands for a figure picture.
  • English Word Study Definition A piece for special practice. See Etude.
  • English Word Study Definition To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder.
  • English Word Study Definition To apply the mind to books or learning.
  • English Word Study Definition To endeavor diligently; to be zealous.
  • English Word Study Definition To apply the mind to; to read and examine for the purpose of learning and understanding; as, to study law or theology; to study languages.
  • English Word Study Definition To consider attentively; to examine closely; as, to study the work of nature.
  • English Word Study Definition To form or arrange by previous thought; to con over, as in committing to memory; as, to study a speech.
  • English Word Study Definition To make an object of study; to aim at sedulously; to devote one's thoughts to; as, to study the welfare of others; to study variety in composition.
  • English Word Studying Definition of Study
  • English Word Stufa Definition A jet of steam issuing from a fissure in the earth.
  • English Word Stuff Definition Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture.
  • English Word Stuff Definition The fundamental material of which anything is made up; elemental part; essence.
  • English Word Stuff Definition Woven material not made into garments; fabric of any kind; specifically, any one of various fabrics of wool or worsted; sometimes, worsted fiber.
  • English Word Stuff Definition Furniture; goods; domestic vessels or utensils.
  • English Word Stuff Definition A medicine or mixture; a potion.
  • English Word Stuff Definition Refuse or worthless matter; hence, also, foolish or irrational language; nonsense; trash.
  • English Word Stuff Definition A melted mass of turpentine, tallow, etc., with which the masts, sides, and bottom of a ship are smeared for lubrication.
  • English Word Stuff Definition Paper stock ground ready for use.
  • English Word Stuff Definition To fill by crowding something into; to cram with something; to load to excess; as, to stuff a bedtick.
  • English Word Stuff Definition To thrust or crowd; to press; to pack.