SPage 577
- English Word Strontia Definition An earth of a white color resembling lime in appearance, and baryta in many of its properties. It is an oxide of the metal strontium.
- English Word Strontian Definition Strontia.
- English Word Strontianite Definition Strontium carbonate, a mineral of a white, greenish, or yellowish color, usually occurring in fibrous massive forms, but sometimes in prismatic crystals.
- English Word Strontic Definition Of or pertaining to strontium; containing, or designating the compounds of, strontium.
- English Word Strontitic Definition Strontic.
- English Word Strontium Definition A metallic element of the calcium group, always naturally occurring combined, as in the minerals strontianite, celestite, etc. It is isolated as a yellowish metal, somewhat malleable but harder than calcium. It is chiefly employed (as in the nitrate) to color pyrotechnic flames red. Symbol Sr. Atomic weight 87.3.
- English Word Strontium Definition A radioactive isotope of strontium produced by certain nuclear reactions, and constituting one of the prominent harmful components of radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions; also called radiostrontium. It has a half-life of 28 years.
- English Word Stroock Definition of Strike
- English Word Strook Definition imp. of Strike.
- English Word Strook Definition A stroke.
- English Word Stroot Definition To swell out; to strut.
- English Word Strop Definition A strap; specifically, same as Strap, 3.
- English Word Strop Definition To draw over, or rub upon, a strop with a view to sharpen; as, to strop a razor.
- English Word Strop Definition A piece of rope spliced into a circular wreath, and put round a block for hanging it.
- English Word Strophanthus Definition A genus of tropical apocynaceous shrubs having singularly twisted flowers. One species (Strophanthus hispidus) is used medicinally as a cardiac sedative and stimulant.
- English Word Strophe Definition In Greek choruses and dances, the movement of the chorus while turning from the right to the left of the orchestra; hence, the strain, or part of the choral ode, sung during this movement. Also sometimes used of a stanza of modern verse. See the Note under Antistrophe.
- English Word Strophes Definition of Strophe
- English Word Strophic Definition Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, strophes.
- English Word Strophiolate Definition Alt. of Strophiolated
- English Word Strophiolated Definition Furnished with a strophiole, or caruncle, or that which resembles it.
- English Word Strophiole Definition A crestlike excrescence about the hilum of certain seeds; a caruncle.
- English Word Strophulus Definition See Red-gum, 1.
- English Word Stropped Definition of Strop
- English Word Stropping Definition of Strop
- English Word Stroud Definition A kind of coarse blanket or garment used by the North American Indians.
- English Word Strouding Definition Material for strouds; a kind of coarse cloth used in trade with the North American Indians.
- English Word Strout Definition To swell; to puff out; to project.
- English Word Strout Definition To cause to project or swell out; to enlarge affectedly; to strut.
- English Word Strove Definition of Strive
- English Word Strove Definition of Strive