SPage 566
- English Word Stretcher Definition A litter, or frame, for carrying disabled, wounded, or dead persons.
- English Word Stretcher Definition An overstretching of the truth; a lie.
- English Word Stretcher Definition One of the rods in an umbrella, attached at one end to one of the ribs, and at the other to the tube sliding upon the handle.
- English Word Stretcher Definition An instrument for stretching boots or gloves.
- English Word Stretcher Definition The frame upon which canvas is stretched for a painting.
- English Word Stretching Definition of Stretch
- English Word Stretching Definition a. & n. from Stretch, v.
- English Word Stretto Definition The crowding of answer upon subject near the end of a fugue.
- English Word Stretto Definition In an opera or oratorio, a coda, or winding up, in an accelerated time.
- English Word Strew Definition To scatter; to spread by scattering; to cast or to throw loosely apart; -- used of solids, separated or separable into parts or particles; as, to strew seed in beds; to strew sand on or over a floor; to strew flowers over a grave.
- English Word Strew Definition To cover more or less thickly by scattering something over or upon; to cover, or lie upon, by having been scattered; as, they strewed the ground with leaves; leaves strewed the ground.
- English Word Strew Definition To spread abroad; to disseminate.
- English Word Strewed Definition of Strew
- English Word Strewing Definition of Strew
- English Word Strewing Definition The act of scattering or spreading.
- English Word Strewing Definition Anything that is, or may be, strewed; -- used chiefly in the plural.
- English Word Strewment Definition Anything scattered, as flowers for decoration.
- English Word strewn Definition of Strew
- English Word Strewn Definition p. p. of Strew.
- English Word Stria Definition A minute groove, or channel; a threadlike line, as of color; a narrow structural band or line; a striation; as, the striae, or groovings, produced on a rock by a glacier passing over it; the striae on the surface of a shell; a stria of nervous matter in the brain.
- English Word Stria Definition A fillet between the flutes of columns, pilasters, or the like.
- English Word Striae Definition of Stria
- English Word Striate Definition To mark with striaae.
- English Word Striate Definition Alt. of Striated
- English Word Striated Definition of Striate
- English Word Striated Definition Marked with striaae, or fine grooves, or lines of color; showing narrow structural bands or lines; as, a striated crystal; striated muscular fiber.
- English Word Striating Definition of Striate
- English Word Striation Definition The quality or condition of being striated.
- English Word Striation Definition A stria; as, the striations on a shell.
- English Word Striatum Definition The corpus striatum.