SPage 561
- English Word Straught Definition To stretch; to make straight.
- English Word Straw Definition To spread or scatter. See Strew, and Strow.
- English Word Straw Definition A stalk or stem of certain species of grain, pulse, etc., especially of wheat, rye, oats, barley, more rarely of buckwheat, beans, and pease.
- English Word Straw Definition The gathered and thrashed stalks of certain species of grain, etc.; as, a bundle, or a load, of rye straw.
- English Word Straw Definition Anything proverbially worthless; the least possible thing; a mere trifle.
- English Word Straw-colored Definition Being of a straw color. See Straw color, under Straw, n.
- English Word Straw-cutter Definition An instrument to cut straw for fodder.
- English Word Strawberry Definition A fragrant edible berry, of a delicious taste and commonly of a red color, the fruit of a plant of the genus Fragaria, of which there are many varieties. Also, the plant bearing the fruit. The common American strawberry is Fragaria virginiana; the European, F. vesca. There are also other less common species.
- English Word Strawboard Definition Pasteboard made of pulp of straw.
- English Word Strawed Definition imp. & p. p. of Straw.
- English Word Strawworm Definition A caddice worm.
- English Word Strawy Definition Of or pertaining to straw; made of, or resembling, straw.
- English Word Stray Definition To wander, as from a direct course; to deviate, or go out of the way.
- English Word Stray Definition To wander from company, or from the proper limits; to rove at large; to roam; to go astray.
- English Word Stray Definition Figuratively, to wander from the path of duty or rectitude; to err.
- English Word Stray Definition To cause to stray.
- English Word Stray Definition Having gone astray; strayed; wandering; as, a strayhorse or sheep.
- English Word Stray Definition Any domestic animal that has an inclosure, or its proper place and company, and wanders at large, or is lost; an estray. Used also figuratively.
- English Word Stray Definition The act of wandering or going astray.
- English Word Strayed Definition of Stray
- English Word Strayer Definition One who strays; a wanderer.
- English Word Straying Definition of Stray
- English Word Stre Definition Straw.
- English Word Streak Definition To stretch; to extend; hence, to lay out, as a dead body.
- English Word Streak Definition A line or long mark of a different color from the ground; a stripe; a vein.
- English Word Streak Definition A strake.
- English Word Streak Definition The fine powder or mark yielded by a mineral when scratched or rubbed against a harder surface, the color of which is sometimes a distinguishing character.
- English Word Streak Definition The rung or round of a ladder.
- English Word Streak Definition To form streaks or stripes in or on; to stripe; to variegate with lines of a different color, or of different colors.
- English Word Streak Definition With it as an object: To run swiftly.