SPage 540
- English Word Stockman Definition A herdsman; a ranchman; one owning, or having charge of, herds of live stock.
- English Word Stockmen Definition of Stockman
- English Word Stockwork Definition A system of working in ore, etc., when it lies not in strata or veins, but in solid masses, so as to be worked in chambers or stories.
- English Word Stockwork Definition A metalliferous deposit characterized by the impregnation of the mass of rock with many small veins or nests irregularly grouped. This kind of deposit is especially common with tin ore. Such deposits are worked in floors or stories.
- English Word Stocky Definition Short and thick; thick rather than tall or corpulent.
- English Word Stocky Definition Headstrong.
- English Word Stodgy Definition Wet.
- English Word Stoechiology Definition Alt. of Stoechiometry
- English Word Stoechiometry Definition See Stoichiology, Stoichiometry, etc.
- English Word Stoic Definition A disciple of the philosopher Zeno; one of a Greek sect which held that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and should submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity, by which all things are governed.
- English Word Stoic Definition Hence, a person not easily excited; an apathetic person; one who is apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain.
- English Word Stoic Definition Alt. of Stoical
- English Word Stoical Definition Of or pertaining to the Stoics; resembling the Stoics or their doctrines.
- English Word Stoical Definition Not affected by passion; manifesting indifference to pleasure or pain.
- English Word Stoichiological Definition Of or pertaining to stoichiology.
- English Word Stoichiology Definition That part of the science of physiology which treats of the elements, or principles, composing animal tissues.
- English Word Stoichiology Definition The doctrine of the elementary requisites of mere thought.
- English Word Stoichiology Definition The statement or discussion of the first principles of any science or art.
- English Word Stoichiometric Definition Alt. of Stoichiometrical
- English Word Stoichiometrical Definition Of or pertaining to stoichiometry; employed in, or obtained by, stoichiometry.
- English Word Stoichiometry Definition The art or process of calculating the atomic proportions, combining weights, and other numerical relations of chemical elements and their compounds.
- English Word Stoicism Definition The opinions and maxims of the Stoics.
- English Word Stoicism Definition A real or pretended indifference to pleasure or pain; insensibility; impassiveness.
- English Word Stoicity Definition Stoicism.
- English Word Stoke Definition To stick; to thrust; to stab.
- English Word Stoke Definition To poke or stir up, as a fire; hence, to tend, as the fire of a furnace, boiler, etc.
- English Word Stoke Definition To poke or stir up a fire; hence, to tend the fires of furnaces, steamers, etc.
- English Word Stokehole Definition The mouth to the grate of a furnace; also, the space in front of the furnace, where the stokers stand.
- English Word Stoker Definition One who is employed to tend a furnace and supply it with fuel, especially the furnace of a locomotive or of a marine steam boiler; also, a machine for feeding fuel to a fire.
- English Word Stoker Definition A fire poker.