SPage 499
- English Word Startle Definition A sudden motion or shock caused by an unexpected alarm, surprise, or apprehension of danger.
- English Word Startled Definition of Startle
- English Word Startling Definition of Startle
- English Word Startlingly Definition In a startling manner.
- English Word Startlish Definition Easily startled; apt to start; startish; skittish; -- said especially of a hourse.
- English Word Starvation Definition The act of starving, or the state of being starved.
- English Word Starve Definition To die; to perish.
- English Word Starve Definition To perish with hunger; to suffer extreme hunger or want; to be very indigent.
- English Word Starve Definition To perish or die with cold.
- English Word Starve Definition To destroy with cold.
- English Word Starve Definition To kill with hunger; as, maliciously to starve a man is, in law, murder.
- English Word Starve Definition To distress or subdue by famine; as, to starvea garrison into a surrender.
- English Word Starve Definition To destroy by want of any kind; as, to starve plans by depriving them of proper light and air.
- English Word Starve Definition To deprive of force or vigor; to disable.
- English Word Starved Definition of Starve
- English Word Starvedly Definition In the condition of one starved or starving; parsimoniously.
- English Word Starveling Definition One who, or that which, pines from lack or food, or nutriment.
- English Word Starveling Definition Hungry; lean; pining with want.
- English Word Starving Definition of Starve
- English Word Starwort Definition Any plant of the genus Aster. See Aster.
- English Word Starwort Definition A small plant of the genus Stellaria, having star-shaped flowers; star flower; chickweed.
- English Word Stasimon Definition In the Greek tragedy, a song of the chorus, continued without the interruption of dialogue or anapaestics.
- English Word Stasis Definition A slackening or arrest of the blood current in the vessels, due not to a lessening of the heart's beat, but presumably to some abnormal resistance of the capillary walls. It is one of the phenomena observed in the capillaries in inflammation.
- English Word Stasmia Definition of Stasimon
- English Word Statable Definition That can be stated; as, a statablegrievance; the question at issue is statable.
- English Word Statal Definition Of, pertaining to, or existing with reference to, a State of the American Union, as distinguished from the general government.
- English Word Statant Definition In a standing position; as, a lion statant.
- English Word Statarian Definition Fixed; settled; steady; statary.
- English Word Statarianly Definition Fixedly; steadly.
- English Word Statary Definition Fixed; settled.