SPage 492
- English Word Standard-wing Definition A curious paradise bird (Semioptera Wallacii) which has two long special feathers standing erect on each wing.
- English Word Standardize Definition To reduce to a normal standard; to calculate or adjust the strength of, by means of, and for uses in, analysis.
- English Word Standel Definition A young tree, especially one reserved when others are cut.
- English Word Stander Definition One who stands.
- English Word Stander Definition Same as Standel.
- English Word Stander-by Definition One who stands near; one who is present; a bystander.
- English Word Standergrass Definition A plant (Orchis mascula); -- called also standerwort, and long purple. See Long purple, under Long.
- English Word Standgale Definition See Stannel.
- English Word Standing Definition of Stand
- English Word Standing Definition Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn.
- English Word Standing Definition Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water.
- English Word Standing Definition Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color.
- English Word Standing Definition Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees.
- English Word Standing Definition Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed).
- English Word Standing Definition The act of stopping, or coming to a stand; the state of being erect upon the feet; stand.
- English Word Standing Definition Maintenance of position; duration; duration or existence in the same place or condition; continuance; as, a custom of long standing; an officer of long standing.
- English Word Standing Definition Place to stand in; station; stand.
- English Word Standing Definition Condition in society; relative position; reputation; rank; as, a man of good standing, or of high standing.
- English Word Standish Definition A stand, or case, for pen and ink.
- English Word Standpipe Definition A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level at a distance.
- English Word Standpipe Definition A supply pipe of sufficient elevation to enable the water to flow into the boiler, notwithstanding the pressure of the steam.
- English Word Standpoint Definition A fixed point or station; a basis or fundamental principle; a position from which objects or principles are viewed, and according to which they are compared and judged.
- English Word Standstill Definition A standing without moving forward or backward; a stop; a state or rest.
- English Word Stane Definition A stone.
- English Word Stang Definition imp. of Sting.
- English Word Stang Definition A long bar; a pole; a shaft; a stake.
- English Word Stang Definition In land measure, a pole, rod, or perch.
- English Word Stang Definition To shoot with pain.
- English Word Stang Definition of Sting
- English Word Stanhope Definition A light two-wheeled, or sometimes four-wheeled, carriage, without a top; -- so called from Lord Stanhope, for whom it was contrived.