SPage 478
- English Word Stable Definition To dwell or lodge in a stable; to dwell in an inclosed place; to kennel.
- English Word Stable stand Definition The position of a man who is found at his standing in the forest, with a crossbow or a longbow bent, ready to shoot at a deer, or close by a tree with greyhounds in a leash ready to slip; -- one of the four presumptions that a man intends stealing the king's deer.
- English Word Stableboy Definition Alt. of Stableman
- English Word Stabled Definition of Stable
- English Word Stableman Definition A boy or man who attends in a stable; a groom; a hostler.
- English Word Stableness Definition The quality or state of being stable, or firmly established; stability.
- English Word Stabler Definition A stable keeper.
- English Word Stabling Definition of Stable
- English Word Stabling Definition The act or practice of keeping horses and cattle in a stable.
- English Word Stabling Definition A building, shed, or room for horses and cattle.
- English Word Stablish Definition To settle permanently in a state; to make firm; to establish; to fix.
- English Word Stablishment Definition Establishment.
- English Word Stably Definition In a stable manner; firmly; fixedly; steadily; as, a government stably settled.
- English Word Stabulation Definition The act of stabling or housing beasts.
- English Word Stabulation Definition A place for lodging beasts; a stable.
- English Word Staccato Definition Disconnected; separated; distinct; -- a direction to perform the notes of a passage in a short, distinct, and pointed manner. It is opposed to legato, and often indicated by heavy accents written over or under the notes, or by dots when the performance is to be less distinct and emphatic.
- English Word Staccato Definition Expressed in a brief, pointed manner.
- English Word Stack Definition A large pile of hay, grain, straw, or the like, usually of a nearly conical form, but sometimes rectangular or oblong, contracted at the top to a point or ridge, and sometimes covered with thatch.
- English Word Stack Definition A pile of poles or wood, indefinite in quantity.
- English Word Stack Definition A pile of wood containing 108 cubic feet.
- English Word Stack Definition A number of flues embodied in one structure, rising above the roof. Hence:
- English Word Stack Definition Any single insulated and prominent structure, or upright pipe, which affords a conduit for smoke; as, the brick smokestack of a factory; the smokestack of a steam vessel.
- English Word Stack Definition A section of memory in a computer used for temporary storage of data, in which the last datum stored is the first retrieved.
- English Word Stack Definition A data structure within random-access memory used to simulate a hardware stack; as, a push-down stack.
- English Word Stack Definition To lay in a conical or other pile; to make into a large pile; as, to stack hay, cornstalks, or grain; to stack or place wood.
- English Word Stack-guard Definition A covering or protection, as a canvas, for a stack.
- English Word Stackage Definition Hay, gray, or the like, in stacks; things stacked.
- English Word Stackage Definition A tax on things stacked.
- English Word Stacked Definition of Stack
- English Word Stacket Definition A stockade.