SPage 472
- English Word Squat Definition The angel fish (Squatina angelus).
- English Word Squat Definition To sit down upon the hams or heels; as, the savages squatted near the fire.
- English Word Squat Definition To sit close to the ground; to cower; to stoop, or lie close, to escape observation, as a partridge or rabbit.
- English Word Squat Definition To settle on another's land without title; also, to settle on common or public lands.
- English Word Squat Definition To bruise or make flat by a fall.
- English Word Squat Definition Sitting on the hams or heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering; crouching.
- English Word Squat Definition Short and thick, like the figure of an animal squatting.
- English Word Squat Definition The posture of one that sits on his heels or hams, or close to the ground.
- English Word Squat Definition A sudden or crushing fall.
- English Word Squat Definition A small vein of ore.
- English Word Squat Definition A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar.
- English Word Squaterole Definition The black-bellied plover.
- English Word Squatted Definition of Squat
- English Word Squatter Definition One who squats; specifically, one who settles unlawfully upon land without a title. In the United States and Australia the term is sometimes applied also to a person who settles lawfully upon government land under permission and restrictions, before acquiring title.
- English Word Squatter Definition See Squat snipe, under Squat.
- English Word Squatting Definition of Squat
- English Word Squatty Definition Squat; dumpy.
- English Word Squaw Definition A female; a woman; -- in the language of Indian tribes of the Algonquin family, correlative of sannup.
- English Word Squawberry Definition A local name for the partridge berry; also, for the deerberry.
- English Word Squawk Definition To utter a shrill, abrupt scream; to squeak harshly.
- English Word Squawk Definition Act of squawking; a harsh squeak.
- English Word Squawk Definition The American night heron. See under Night.
- English Word Squawked Definition of Squawk
- English Word Squawking Definition of Squawk
- English Word Squawl Definition See Squall.
- English Word Squawroot Definition A scaly parasitic plant (Conopholis Americana) found in oak woods in the United States; -- called also cancer root.
- English Word Squawweed Definition The golden ragwort. See under Ragwort.
- English Word Squeak Definition To utter a sharp, shrill cry, usually of short duration; to cry with an acute tone, as an animal; or, to make a sharp, disagreeable noise, as a pipe or quill, a wagon wheel, a door; to creak.
- English Word Squeak Definition To break silence or secrecy for fear of pain or punishment; to speak; to confess.
- English Word Squeak Definition A sharp, shrill, disagreeable sound suddenly utered, either of the human voice or of any animal or instrument, such as is made by carriage wheels when dry, by the soles of leather shoes, or by a pipe or reed.