SPage 452
- English Word Spoonfuls Definition of Spoonful
- English Word Spoonily Definition In a spoony manner.
- English Word Spoonwood Definition The mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia).
- English Word Spoonworm Definition A gephyrean worm of the genus Thalassema, having a spoonlike probiscis.
- English Word Spoonwort Definition Scurvy grass.
- English Word Spoony Definition Same as Spooney.
- English Word Spoor Definition The track or trail of any wild animal; as, the spoor of an elephant; -- used originally by travelers in South Africa.
- English Word Spoor Definition To follow a spoor or trail.
- English Word Sporades Definition Stars not included in any constellation; -- called also informed, or unformed, stars.
- English Word Sporadial Definition Sporadic.
- English Word Sporadic Definition Occuring singly, or apart from other things of the same kind, or in scattered instances; separate; single; as, a sporadic fireball; a sporadic case of disease; a sporadic example of a flower.
- English Word Sporadical Definition Sporadic.
- English Word Sporadically Definition In a sporadic manner.
- English Word Sporangia Definition of Sporangium
- English Word Sporangiophore Definition The axis or receptacle in certain ferns (as Trichomanes), which bears the sporangia.
- English Word Sporangium Definition A spore case in the cryptogamous plants, as in ferns, etc.
- English Word Spore Definition One of the minute grains in flowerless plants, which are analogous to seeds, as serving to reproduce the species.
- English Word Spore Definition An embryo sac or embryonal vesicle in the ovules of flowering plants.
- English Word Spore Definition A minute grain or germ; a small, round or ovoid body, formed in certain organisms, and by germination giving rise to a new organism; as, the reproductive spores of bacteria, etc.
- English Word Spore Definition One of the parts formed by fission in certain Protozoa. See Spore formation, belw.
- English Word Sporid Definition A sporidium.
- English Word Sporidia Definition of Sporidium
- English Word Sporidiferous Definition Bearing sporidia.
- English Word Sporidium Definition A secondary spore, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds of minute fungi.
- English Word Sporidium Definition A spore.
- English Word Sporiferous Definition Bearing or producing spores.
- English Word Sporification Definition Spore formation. See Spore formation (b), under Spore.
- English Word Sporocarp Definition A closed body or conceptacle containing one or more masses of spores or sporangia.
- English Word Sporocarp Definition A sporangium.
- English Word Sporocyst Definition An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms. The sporocyst generally develops from an egg, but in its turn produces other larvae by internal budding, or by the subdivision of a part or all of its contents into a number of minute germs. See Redia.