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  • English Word Spermatium Definition One of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
  • English Word Spermatize Definition To yield seed; to emit seed, or sperm.
  • English Word Spermato- Definition Alt. of Spermo-
  • English Word Spermatoa Definition of Spermatoon
  • English Word Spermatoblast Definition Same as Spermoblast.
  • English Word Spermatocyte Definition Same as Spermoblast.
  • English Word Spermatogemma Definition Same as Spermosphere.
  • English Word Spermatogenesis Definition The development of the spermatozoids.
  • English Word Spermatogenetic Definition Relating to, or connected with, spermatogenesis; as, spermatogenetic function.
  • English Word Spermatogenous Definition Sperm-producing.
  • English Word Spermatogonium Definition A primitive seminal cell, occuring in masses in the seminal tubules. It divides into a mass (spermosphere) of small cells (spermoblast), which in turn give rise to spermatozoids.
  • English Word Spermatoid Definition Spermlike; resembling sperm, or semen.
  • English Word Spermatoon Definition A spermoblast.
  • English Word Spermatophore Definition Same as Spermospore.
  • English Word Spermatophore Definition A capsule or pocket inclosing a number of spermatozoa. They are present in many annelids, brachiopods, mollusks, and crustaceans. In cephalopods the structure of the capsule is very complex.
  • English Word Spermatophorous Definition Producing seed, or sperm; seminiferous; as, the so-called spermatophorous cells.
  • English Word Spermatorrhea Definition Alt. of Spermatorrhoea
  • English Word Spermatorrhoea Definition Abnormally frequent involuntary emission of the semen without copulation.
  • English Word Spermatospore Definition Same as Spermospore.
  • English Word Spermatozoa Definition of Spermatozoon
  • English Word Spermatozoid Definition The male germ cell in animals and plants, the essential element in fertilization; a microscopic animalcule-like particle, usually provided with one or more cilia by which it is capable of active motion. In animals, the familiar type is that of a small, more or less ovoid head, with a delicate threadlike cilium, or tail. Called also spermatozoon. In plants the more usual term is antherozoid.
  • English Word Spermatozooid Definition A spermatozoid.
  • English Word Spermatozoon Definition Same as Spermatozoid.
  • English Word Spermic Definition Of or pertaining to sperm, or semen.
  • English Word Spermidia Definition of Spermidium
  • English Word Spermidium Definition An achenium.
  • English Word Spermist Definition A believer in the doctrine, formerly current, of encasement in the male (see Encasement), in which the seminal thread, or spermatozoid, was considered as the real animal germ, the head being the true animal head and the tail the body.
  • English Word Spermo- Definition Combining forms from Gr. spe`rma, -atos, seed, sperm, semen (of plants or animals); as, spermatoblast, spermoblast.
  • English Word Spermoblast Definition One of the cells formed by the division of the spermospore, each of which is destined to become a spermatozoid; a spermatocyte; a spermatoblast.
  • English Word Spermococcus Definition The nucleus of the sperm cell.