SPage 397
- English Word Southeast Definition The point of the compass equally distant from the south and the east; the southeast part or region.
- English Word Southeast Definition Of or pertaining to the southeast; proceeding toward, or coming from, the southeast; as, a southeast course; a southeast wind.
- English Word Southeaster Definition A storm, strong wind, or gale coming from the southeast.
- English Word Southeaster Definition Toward the southeast.
- English Word Southeastern Definition Of or pertaining to the southeast; southeasterly.
- English Word Southeastward Definition Alt. of Southeastwardly
- English Word Southeastwardly Definition Toward the southeast.
- English Word Southed Definition of South
- English Word Souther Definition A strong wind, gale, or storm from the south.
- English Word Southerliness Definition The quality or state of being southerly; direction toward the south.
- English Word Southerly Definition Southern.
- English Word Southern Definition Of or pertaining to the south; situated in, or proceeding from, the south; situated or proceeding toward the south.
- English Word Southern Definition A Southerner.
- English Word Southerner Definition An inhabitant or native of the south, esp. of the Southern States of North America; opposed to Northerner.
- English Word Southernliness Definition Southerliness.
- English Word Southernly Definition Somewhat southern.
- English Word Southernly Definition In a southerly manner or course; southward.
- English Word Southernmost Definition Farthest south.
- English Word Southernwood Definition A shrubby species of wormwood (Artemisia Abrotanum) having aromatic foliage. It is sometimes used in making beer.
- English Word Southing Definition of South
- English Word Southing Definition Tendency or progress southward; as, the southing of the sun.
- English Word Southing Definition The time at which the moon, or other heavenly body, passes the meridian of a place.
- English Word Southing Definition Distance of any heavenly body south of the equator; south declination; south latitude.
- English Word Southing Definition Distance southward from any point departure or of reckoning, measured on a meridian; -- opposed to northing.
- English Word Southly Definition Southerly.
- English Word Southmost Definition Farthest toward the south; southernmost.
- English Word Southness Definition A tendency in the end of a magnetic needle to point toward the south pole.
- English Word Southren Definition Southern.
- English Word Southron Definition An inhabitant of the more southern part of a country; formerly, a name given in Scotland to any Englishman.
- English Word Southsay Definition See Soothsay.