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  • English Word Society Definition Specifically, the more cultivated portion of any community in its social relations and influences; those who mutually give receive formal entertainments.
  • English Word Socinian Definition Of or pertaining to Socinus, or the Socinians.
  • English Word Socinian Definition One of the followers of Socinus; a believer in Socinianism.
  • English Word Socinianism Definition The tenets or doctrines of Faustus Socinus, an Italian theologian of the sixteenth century, who denied the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personality of the Devil, the native and total depravity of man, the vicarious atonement, and the eternity of future punishment. His theory was, that Christ was a man divinely commissioned, who had no existence before he was conceived by the Virgin Mary; that human sin was the imitation of Adam's sin, and that human salvation was the imitation and adoption of Christ's virtue; that the Bible was to be interpreted by human reason; and that its language was metaphorical, and not to be taken literally.
  • English Word Socinianize Definition To cause to conform to Socinianism; to regulate by, or imbue with, the principles of Socinianism.
  • English Word Socinianized Definition of Socinianize
  • English Word Socinianizing Definition of Socinianize
  • English Word Sociologic Definition Alt. of Sociological
  • English Word Sociological Definition Of or pertaining to sociology, or social science.
  • English Word Sociologist Definition One who treats of, or devotes himself to, the study of sociology.
  • English Word Sociology Definition That branch of philosophy which treats of the constitution, phenomena, and development of human society; social science.
  • English Word Sock Definition A plowshare.
  • English Word Sock Definition The shoe worn by actors of comedy in ancient Greece and Rome, -- used as a symbol of comedy, or of the comic drama, as distinguished from tragedy, which is symbolized by the buskin.
  • English Word Sock Definition A knit or woven covering for the foot and lower leg; a stocking with a short leg.
  • English Word Sock Definition A warm inner sole for a shoe.
  • English Word Sockdolager Definition That which finishes or ends a matter; a settler; a poser, as a heavy blow, a conclusive answer, and the like.
  • English Word Sockdolager Definition A combination of two hooks which close upon each other, by means of a spring, as soon as the fish bites.
  • English Word Socket Definition An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.
  • English Word Socket Definition Especially, the hollow tube or place in which a candle is fixed in the candlestick.
  • English Word Socketed Definition Having a socket.
  • English Word Sockless Definition Destitute of socks or shoes.
  • English Word Socky Definition Wet; soaky.
  • English Word Socle Definition A plain block or plinth forming a low pedestal; any base; especially, the base of a statue, column, or the like. See Plinth.
  • English Word Socle Definition A plain face or plinth at the lower part of a wall.
  • English Word Socman Definition One who holds lands or tenements by socage; a socager.
  • English Word Socmanry Definition Tenure by socage.
  • English Word Socmen Definition of Socman
  • English Word Socome Definition A custom of tenants to grind corn at the lord's mill.
  • English Word Socotrine Definition Of or pertaining to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa.
  • English Word Socotrine Definition A native or inhabitant of Socotra.