SPage 349
- English Word Sneaking Definition of Sneak
- English Word Sneaking Definition Marked by cowardly concealment; deficient in openness and courage; underhand; mean; crouching.
- English Word Sneaksby Definition A paltry fellow; a sneak.
- English Word Sneaky Definition Like a sneak; sneaking.
- English Word Sneap Definition To check; to reprimand; to rebuke; to chide.
- English Word Sneap Definition To nip; to blast; to blight.
- English Word Sneap Definition A reprimand; a rebuke.
- English Word Sneath Definition Alt. of Sneathe
- English Word Sneathe Definition See Snath.
- English Word Sneb Definition To reprimand; to sneap.
- English Word Sneck Definition To fasten by a hatch; to latch, as a door.
- English Word Sneck Definition A door latch.
- English Word Snecket Definition A door latch, or sneck.
- English Word Sned Definition To lop; to snathe.
- English Word Sned Definition Alt. of Sneed
- English Word Sneed Definition See Snath.
- English Word Sneer Definition To show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular facial expression.
- English Word Sneer Definition To inssinuate contempt by a covert expression; to speak derisively.
- English Word Sneer Definition To show mirth awkwardly.
- English Word Sneer Definition To utter with a grimace or contemptuous expression; to utter with a sneer; to say sneeringly; as, to sneer fulsome lies at a person.
- English Word Sneer Definition To treat with sneers; to affect or move by sneers.
- English Word Sneer Definition The act of sneering.
- English Word Sneer Definition A smile, grin, or contortion of the face, indicative of contempt; an indirect expression or insinuation of contempt.
- English Word Sneered Definition of Sneer
- English Word Sneerer Definition One who sneers.
- English Word Sneerful Definition Given to sneering.
- English Word Sneering Definition of Sneer
- English Word Sneeringly Definition In a sneering manner.
- English Word Sneeze Definition To emit air, chiefly through the nose, audibly and violently, by a kind of involuntary convulsive force, occasioned by irritation of the inner membrane of the nose.
- English Word Sneeze Definition A sudden and violent ejection of air with an audible sound, chiefly through the nose.