SPage 342
- English Word Smothery Definition Tending to smother; stifling.
- English Word Smouch Definition To kiss closely.
- English Word Smouch Definition To smutch; to soil; as, to smouch the face.
- English Word Smouch Definition A dark soil or stain; a smutch.
- English Word Smoulder Definition To burn and smoke without flame; to waste away by a slow and supressed combustion.
- English Word Smoulder Definition To exist in a state of suppressed or smothered activity; to burn inwardly; as, a smoldering feud.
- English Word Smoulder Definition To smother; to suffocate; to choke.
- English Word Smoulder Definition Smoke; smother.
- English Word Smoulder Definition See Smolder.
- English Word Smouldered Definition of Smoulder
- English Word Smouldering Definition of Smoulder
- English Word Smouldering Definition Being in a state of suppressed activity; quiet but not dead.
- English Word Smoulderingness Definition The state of smoldering.
- English Word Smouldry Definition Smoldering; suffocating; smothery.
- English Word Smouldry Definition See Smoldry.
- English Word Smudge Definition A suffocating smoke.
- English Word Smudge Definition A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, or the like, in order, by the thick smoke, to keep off mosquitoes or other insects.
- English Word Smudge Definition That which is smeared upon anything; a stain; a blot; a smutch; a smear.
- English Word Smudge Definition To stifle or smother with smoke; to smoke by means of a smudge.
- English Word Smudge Definition To smear; to smutch; to soil; to blacken with smoke.
- English Word Smudged Definition of Smudge
- English Word Smudginess Definition The quality or state of being smudged, soiled, or blurred.
- English Word Smudging Definition of Smudge
- English Word Smug Definition Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly precise; smooth and prim.
- English Word Smug Definition To make smug, or spruce.
- English Word Smugged Definition of Smug
- English Word Smugging Definition of Smug
- English Word Smuggle Definition To import or export secretly, contrary to the law; to import or export without paying the duties imposed by law; as, to smuggle lace.
- English Word Smuggle Definition Fig.: To convey or introduce clandestinely.
- English Word Smuggle Definition To import or export in violation of the customs laws.