SPage 338
- English Word Smith Definition One who makes or effects anything.
- English Word Smith Definition To beat into shape; to forge.
- English Word Smithcraft Definition The art or occupation of a smith; smithing.
- English Word Smither Definition Light, fine rain.
- English Word Smither Definition Fragments; atoms; finders.
- English Word Smithereens Definition Fragments; atoms; smithers.
- English Word Smithery Definition The workshop of a smith; a smithy or stithy.
- English Word Smithery Definition Work done by a smith; smithing.
- English Word Smithing Definition The act or art of working or forging metals, as iron, into any desired shape.
- English Word Smithsonian Definition Of or pertaining to the Englishman J. L. M. Smithson, or to the national institution of learning which he endowed at Washington, D. C.; as, the Smithsonian Institution; Smithsonian Reports.
- English Word Smithsonian Definition The Smithsonian Institution.
- English Word Smithsonite Definition Native zinc carbonate. It generally occurs in stalactitic, reniform, or botryoidal shapes, of a white to gray, green, or brown color. See Note under Calamine.
- English Word Smithy Definition The workshop of a smith, esp. a blacksmith; a smithery; a stithy.
- English Word Smiting Definition of Smite
- English Word Smitt Definition Fine clay or ocher made up into balls, used for marking sheep.
- English Word Smitten Definition of Smite
- English Word Smitten Definition p. p. of Smite.
- English Word Smittle Definition To infect.
- English Word Smittle Definition Infection.
- English Word Smittle Definition Alt. of Smittlish
- English Word Smittlish Definition Infectious; catching.
- English Word Smock Definition A woman's under-garment; a shift; a chemise.
- English Word Smock Definition A blouse; a smoock frock.
- English Word Smock Definition Of or pertaining to a smock; resembling a smock; hence, of or pertaining to a woman.
- English Word Smock Definition To provide with, or clothe in, a smock or a smock frock.
- English Word Smock frock Definition A coarse frock, or shirt, worn over the other dress, as by farm laborers.
- English Word Smock-faced Definition Having a feminine countenance or complexion; smooth-faced; girlish.
- English Word Smockless Definition Wanting a smock.
- English Word Smokable Definition Capable of being smoked; suitable or ready to be smoked; as, smokable tobacco.
- English Word Smoke Definition The visible exhalation, vapor, or substance that escapes, or expelled, from a burning body, especially from burning vegetable matter, as wood, coal, peat, or the like.