SPage 32
- English Word Sandre Definition A Russian fish (Lucioperca sandre) which yields a valuable oil, called sandre oil, used in the preparation of caviare.
- English Word Sandstone Definition A rock made of sand more or less firmly united. Common or siliceous sandstone consists mainly of quartz sand.
- English Word Sandwich Definition Two pieces of bread and butter with a thin slice of meat, cheese, or the like, between them.
- English Word Sandwich Definition To make into a sandwich; also, figuratively, to insert between portions of something dissimilar; to form of alternate parts or things, or alternating layers of a different nature; to interlard.
- English Word Sandwiched Definition of Sandwich
- English Word Sandwiching Definition of Sandwich
- English Word Sandworm Definition Any one of numerous species of annelids which burrow in the sand of the seashore.
- English Word Sandworm Definition Any species of annelids of the genus Sabellaria. They construct firm tubes of agglutinated sand on rocks and shells, and are sometimes destructive to oysters.
- English Word Sandworm Definition The chigoe, a species of flea.
- English Word Sandwort Definition Any plant of the genus Arenaria, low, tufted herbs (order Caryophyllaceae.)
- English Word Sandy Definition Consisting of, abounding with, or resembling, sand; full of sand; covered or sprinkled with sand; as, a sandy desert, road, or soil.
- English Word Sandy Definition Of the color of sand; of a light yellowish red color; as, sandy hair.
- English Word Sandyx Definition See Sandix.
- English Word Sane Definition Being in a healthy condition; not deranged; acting rationally; -- said of the mind.
- English Word Sane Definition Mentally sound; possessing a rational mind; having the mental faculties in such condition as to be able to anticipate and judge of the effect of one's actions in an ordinary maner; -- said of persons.
- English Word Saneness Definition The state of being sane; sanity.
- English Word Sang Definition imp. of Sing.
- English Word Sang Definition of Sing
- English Word Sang-froid Definition Freedom from agitation or excitement of mind; coolness in trying circumstances; indifference; calmness.
- English Word Sanga Definition Alt. of Sangu
- English Word Sangaree Definition Wine and water sweetened and spiced, -- a favorite West Indian drink.
- English Word Sangiac Definition See Sanjak.
- English Word Sangraal Definition Alt. of Sangreal
- English Word Sangreal Definition See Holy Grail, under Grail.
- English Word Sangu Definition The Abyssinian ox (Bos / Bibos, Africanus), noted for the great length of its horns. It has a hump on its back.
- English Word Sanguiferous Definition Conveying blood; as, sanguiferous vessels, i. e., the arteries, veins, capillaries.
- English Word Sanguification Definition The production of blood; the conversion of the products of digestion into blood; hematosis.
- English Word Sanguifier Definition A producer of blood.
- English Word Sanguifluous Definition Flowing or running with blood.
- English Word Sanguify Definition To produce blood from.