SPage 314
- English Word Sleeve Definition A long bushing or thimble, as in the nave of a wheel.
- English Word Sleeve Definition A short piece of pipe used for covering a joint, or forming a joint between the ends of two other pipes.
- English Word Sleeve Definition To furnish with sleeves; to put sleeves into; as, to sleeve a coat.
- English Word Sleeved Definition of Sleeve
- English Word Sleeved Definition Having sleeves; furnished with sleeves; -- often in composition; as, long-sleeved.
- English Word Sleevefish Definition A squid.
- English Word Sleevehand Definition The part of a sleeve nearest the hand; a cuff or wristband.
- English Word Sleeveless Definition Having no sleeves.
- English Word Sleeveless Definition Wanting a cover, pretext, or palliation; unreasonable; profitless; bootless; useless.
- English Word Sleeving Definition of Sleeve
- English Word Sleid Definition To sley, or prepare for use in the weaver's sley, or slaie.
- English Word Sleided Definition of Sleid
- English Word Sleiding Definition of Sleid
- English Word Sleigh Definition Sly.
- English Word Sleigh Definition A vehicle moved on runners, and used for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice; -- in England commonly called a sledge.
- English Word Sleighing Definition The act of riding in a sleigh.
- English Word Sleighing Definition The state of the snow or ice which admits of running sleighs.
- English Word Sleight Definition Cunning; craft; artful practice.
- English Word Sleight Definition An artful trick; sly artifice; a feat so dexterous that the manner of performance escapes observation.
- English Word Sleight Definition Dexterous practice; dexterity; skill.
- English Word Sleightful Definition Cunning; dexterous.
- English Word Sleightly Definition Cinningly.
- English Word Sleighty Definition Cinning; sly.
- English Word Slender Definition Small or narrow in proportion to the length or the height; not thick; slim; as, a slender stem or stalk of a plant.
- English Word Slender Definition Weak; feeble; not strong; slight; as, slender hope; a slender constitution.
- English Word Slender Definition Moderate; trivial; inconsiderable; slight; as, a man of slender intelligence.
- English Word Slender Definition Small; inadequate; meager; pitiful; as, slender means of support; a slender pittance.
- English Word Slender Definition Spare; abstemious; frugal; as, a slender diet.
- English Word Slender Definition Uttered with a thin tone; -- the opposite of broad; as, the slender vowels long e and i.
- English Word Slent Definition See Slant.