SPage 278
- English Word Singularize Definition To make singular or single; to distinguish.
- English Word Singularly Definition In a singular manner; in a manner, or to a degree, not common to others; extraordinarily; as, to be singularly exact in one's statements; singularly considerate of others.
- English Word Singularly Definition Strangely; oddly; as, to behave singularly.
- English Word Singularly Definition So as to express one, or the singular number.
- English Word Singult Definition A sigh or sobbing; also, a hiccough.
- English Word Singultous Definition Relating to, or affected with, hiccough.
- English Word Singultus Definition Hiccough.
- English Word Siniate Definition Having the margin alternately curved inward and outward; having rounded lobes separated by rounded sinuses; sinuous; wavy.
- English Word Sinical Definition Of or pertaining to a sine; employing, or founded upon, sines; as, a sinical quadrant.
- English Word Sinigrin Definition A glucoside found in the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra, formerly Sinapis nigra) It resembles sinalbin, and consists of a potassium salt of myronic acid.
- English Word Sinister Definition On the left hand, or the side of the left hand; left; -- opposed to dexter, or right.
- English Word Sinister Definition Unlucky; inauspicious; disastrous; injurious; evil; -- the left being usually regarded as the unlucky side; as, sinister influences.
- English Word Sinister Definition Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity; perverse; dishonest; corrupt; as, sinister aims.
- English Word Sinister Definition Indicative of lurking evil or harm; boding covert danger; as, a sinister countenance.
- English Word Sinister-handed Definition Left-handed; hence, unlucky.
- English Word Sinisterly Definition In a sinister manner.
- English Word Sinistrad Definition Toward the left side; sinistrally.
- English Word Sinistral Definition Of or pertaining to the left, inclining to the left; sinistrous; -- opposed to dextral.
- English Word Sinistral Definition Having the whorls of the spire revolving or rising to the left; reversed; -- said of certain spiral shells.
- English Word Sinistrality Definition The quality or state of being sinistral.
- English Word Sinistrally Definition Toward the left; in a sinistral manner.
- English Word Sinistrin Definition A mucilaginous carbohydrate, resembling achroodextrin, extracted from squill as a colorless amorphous substance; -- so called because it is levorotatory.
- English Word Sinistrorsal Definition Rising spirally from right to left (of the spectator); sinistrorse.
- English Word Sinistrorse Definition Turning to the left (of the spectator) in the ascending line; -- the opposite of dextrorse. See Dextrorse.
- English Word Sinistrous Definition Being on the left side; inclined to the left; sinistral.
- English Word Sinistrous Definition Wrong; absurd; perverse.
- English Word Sinistrously Definition In a sinistrous manner; perversely; wrongly; unluckily.
- English Word Sinistrously Definition With a tendency to use the left hand.
- English Word Sink Definition To fall by, or as by, the force of gravity; to descend lower and lower; to decline gradually; to subside; as, a stone sinks in water; waves rise and sink; the sun sinks in the west.
- English Word Sink Definition To enter deeply; to fall or retire beneath or below the surface; to penetrate.