SPage 274
- English Word Sincerely Definition Honestly; unfeignedly; without dissimulation; as, to speak one's mind sincerely; to love virtue sincerely.
- English Word Sincereness Definition Same as Sincerity.
- English Word Sincerity Definition The quality or state of being sincere; honesty of mind or intention; freedom from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense; sincereness.
- English Word Sinch Definition A saddle girth made of leather, canvas, woven horsehair, or woven grass.
- English Word Sinch Definition To gird with a sinch; to tighten the sinch or girth of (a saddle); as, to sinch up a sadle.
- English Word Sincipital Definition Of or pertaining to the sinciput; being in the region of the sinciput.
- English Word Sinciput Definition The fore part of the head.
- English Word Sinciput Definition The part of the head of a bird between the base of the bill and the vertex.
- English Word Sindon Definition A wrapper.
- English Word Sindon Definition A small rag or pledget introduced into the hole in the cranium made by a trephine.
- English Word Sine Definition The length of a perpendicular drawn from one extremity of an arc of a circle to the diameter drawn through the other extremity.
- English Word Sine Definition The perpendicular itself. See Sine of angle, below.
- English Word Sine Definition Without.
- English Word Sinecural Definition Of or pertaining to a sinecure; being in the nature of a sinecure.
- English Word Sinecure Definition An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls.
- English Word Sinecure Definition Any office or position which requires or involves little or no responsibility, labor, or active service.
- English Word Sinecure Definition To put or place in a sinecure.
- English Word Sinecurism Definition The state of having a sinecure.
- English Word Sinecurist Definition One who has a sinecure.
- English Word Sinew Definition A tendon or tendonous tissue. See Tendon.
- English Word Sinew Definition Muscle; nerve.
- English Word Sinew Definition Fig.: That which supplies strength or power.
- English Word Sinew Definition To knit together, or make strong with, or as with, sinews.
- English Word Sinew-shrunk Definition Having the sinews under the belly shrunk by excessive fatigue.
- English Word Sinewed Definition of Sinew
- English Word Sinewed Definition Furnished with sinews; as, a strong-sinewed youth.
- English Word Sinewed Definition Fig.: Equipped; strengthened.
- English Word Sinewiness Definition Quality of being sinewy.
- English Word Sinewing Definition of Sinew
- English Word Sinewish Definition Sinewy.