SPage 270
- English Word Similitude Definition That which is like or similar; a representation, semblance, or copy; a facsimile.
- English Word Similitudinary Definition Involving or expressing similitude.
- English Word Similize Definition To liken; to compare; as, to similize a person, thing, or act.
- English Word Similor Definition An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling brass, but of a golden color.
- English Word Simitar Definition See Scimiter.
- English Word Simmer Definition To boil gently, or with a gentle hissing; to begin to boil.
- English Word Simmer Definition To cause to boil gently; to cook in liquid heated almost or just to the boiling point.
- English Word Simmered Definition of Simmer
- English Word Simmering Definition of Simmer
- English Word Simnel Definition A kind of cake made of fine flour; a cracknel.
- English Word Simnel Definition A kind of rich plum cake, eaten especially on Mid-Lent Sunday.
- English Word Simoniac Definition One who practices simony, or who buys or sells preferment in the church.
- English Word Simoniacal Definition Of or pertaining to simony; guilty of simony; consisting of simony.
- English Word Simonial Definition Simoniacal.
- English Word Simonian Definition One of the followers of Simon Magus; also, an adherent of certain heretical sects in the early Christian church.
- English Word Simonious Definition Simoniacal.
- English Word Simonist Definition One who practices simony.
- English Word Simony Definition The crime of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferment; the corrupt presentation of any one to an ecclesiastical benefice for money or reward.
- English Word Simoom Definition Alt. of Simoon
- English Word Simoon Definition A hot, dry, suffocating, dust-laden wind, that blows occasionally in Arabia, Syria, and neighboring countries, generated by the extreme heat of the parched deserts or sandy plains.
- English Word Simous Definition Having a very flat or snub nose, with the end turned up.
- English Word Simpai Definition A long-tailed monkey (Semnopitchecus melalophus) native of Sumatra. It has a crest of black hair. The forehead and cheeks are fawn color, the upper parts tawny and red, the under parts white. Called also black-crested monkey, and sinpae.
- English Word Simper Definition To smile in a silly, affected, or conceited manner.
- English Word Simper Definition To glimmer; to twinkle.
- English Word Simper Definition A constrained, self-conscious smile; an affected, silly smile; a smirk.
- English Word Simpered Definition of Simper
- English Word Simperer Definition One who simpers.
- English Word Simpering Definition of Simper
- English Word Simpering Definition a. &. n. from Simper, v.
- English Word Simperingly Definition In a simpering manner.