SPage 242
- English Word Showed Definition of Show
- English Word Shower Definition One who shows or exhibits.
- English Word Shower Definition That which shows; a mirror.
- English Word Shower Definition A fall or rain or hail of short duration; sometimes, but rarely, a like fall of snow.
- English Word Shower Definition That which resembles a shower in falling or passing through the air copiously and rapidly.
- English Word Shower Definition A copious supply bestowed.
- English Word Shower Definition To water with a shower; to //t copiously with rain.
- English Word Shower Definition To bestow liberally; to destribute or scatter in /undance; to rain.
- English Word Shower Definition To rain in showers; to fall, as in a hower or showers.
- English Word Showered Definition of Shower
- English Word Showerful Definition Full of showers.
- English Word Showeriness Definition Quality of being showery.
- English Word Showering Definition of Shower
- English Word Showerless Definition Rainless; freo from showers.
- English Word Showery Definition Raining in showers; abounding with frequent showers of rain.
- English Word Showery Definition Of or pertaining to a shower or showers.
- English Word Showily Definition In a showy manner; pompously; with parade.
- English Word Showiness Definition The quality or state of being showy; pompousness; great parade; ostentation.
- English Word Showing Definition of Show
- English Word Showing Definition Appearance; display; exhibition.
- English Word Showing Definition Presentation of facts; statement.
- English Word Showish Definition Showy; ostentatious.
- English Word Showman Definition One who exhibits a show; a proprietor of a show.
- English Word Showmen Definition of Showman
- English Word Shown Definition of Show
- English Word Shown Definition p. p. of Show.
- English Word Showroom Definition A room or apartment where a show is exhibited.
- English Word Showroom Definition A room where merchandise is exposed for sale, or where samples are displayed.
- English Word Showy Definition Making a show; attracting attention; presenting a marked appearance; ostentatious; gay; gaudy.
- English Word Shrag Definition A twig of a tree cut off.