SPage 202
- English Word Shaking Definition of Shake
- English Word Shakings Definition Deck sweepings, refuse of cordage, canvas, etc.
- English Word Shako Definition A kind of military cap or headdress.
- English Word Shaky Definition Shaking or trembling; as, a shaky spot in a marsh; a shaky hand.
- English Word Shaky Definition Full of shakes or cracks; cracked; as, shaky timber.
- English Word Shaky Definition Easily shaken; tottering; unsound; as, a shaky constitution; shaky business credit.
- English Word Shale Definition A shell or husk; a cod or pod.
- English Word Shale Definition A fine-grained sedimentary rock of a thin, laminated, and often friable, structure.
- English Word Shale Definition To take off the shell or coat of; to shell.
- English Word Shall Definition To owe; to be under obligation for.
- English Word Shall Definition To be obliged; must.
- English Word Shall Definition As an auxiliary, shall indicates a duty or necessity whose obligation is derived from the person speaking; as, you shall go; he shall go; that is, I order or promise your going. It thus ordinarily expresses, in the second and third persons, a command, a threat, or a promise. If the auxillary be emphasized, the command is made more imperative, the promise or that more positive and sure. It is also employed in the language of prophecy; as, "the day shall come when . . . , " since a promise or threat and an authoritative prophecy nearly coincide in significance. In shall with the first person, the necessity of the action is sometimes implied as residing elsewhere than in the speaker; as, I shall suffer; we shall see; and there is always a less distinct and positive assertion of his volition than is indicated by will. "I shall go" implies nearly a simple futurity; more exactly, a foretelling or an expectation of my going, in which, naturally enough, a certain degree of plan or intention may be included; emphasize the shall, and the event is described as certain to occur, and the expression approximates in meaning to our emphatic "I will go." In a question, the relation of speaker and source of obligation is of course transferred to the person addressed; as, "Shall you go?" (answer, "I shall go"); "Shall he go?" i. e., "Do you require or promise his going?" (answer, "He shall go".) The same relation is transferred to either second or third person in such phrases as "You say, or think, you shall go;" "He says, or thinks, he shall go." After a conditional conjunction (as if, whether) shall is used in all persons to express futurity simply; as, if I, you, or he shall say they are right. Should is everywhere used in the same connection and the same senses as shall, as its imperfect. It also expresses duty or moral obligation; as, he should do it whether he will or not. In the early English, and hence in our English Bible, shall is the auxiliary mainly used, in all the persons, to express simple futurity. (Cf. Will, v. t.) Shall may be used elliptically; thus, with an adverb or other word expressive of motion go may be omitted.
- English Word Shalli Definition See Challis.
- English Word Shallon Definition An evergreen shrub (Gaultheria Shallon) of Northwest America; also, its fruit. See Salal-berry.
- English Word Shalloon Definition A thin, loosely woven, twilled worsted stuff.
- English Word Shallop Definition A boat.
- English Word Shallot Definition A small kind of onion (Allium Ascalonicum) growing in clusters, and ready for gathering in spring; a scallion, or eschalot.
- English Word Shallow Definition Not deep; having little depth; shoal.
- English Word Shallow Definition Not deep in tone.
- English Word Shallow Definition Not intellectually deep; not profound; not penetrating deeply; simple; not wise or knowing; ignorant; superficial; as, a shallow mind; shallow learning.
- English Word Shallow Definition A place in a body of water where the water is not deep; a shoal; a flat; a shelf.
- English Word Shallow Definition The rudd.
- English Word Shallow Definition To make shallow.
- English Word Shallow Definition To become shallow, as water.
- English Word Shallow-bodied Definition Having a moderate depth of hold; -- said of a vessel.
- English Word Shallow-brained Definition Weak in intellect; foolish; empty-headed.
- English Word Shallow-hearted Definition Incapable of deep feeling.
- English Word Shallow-pated Definition Shallow-brained.
- English Word Shallow-waisted Definition Having a flush deck, or with only a moderate depression amidships; -- said of a vessel.
- English Word Shallowly Definition In a shallow manner.