SPage 186
- English Word Set Definition That which is set, placed, or fixed.
- English Word Set Definition A young plant for growth; as, a set of white thorn.
- English Word Set Definition That which is staked; a wager; a venture; a stake; hence, a game at venture.
- English Word Set Definition Permanent change of figure in consequence of excessive strain, as from compression, tension, bending, twisting, etc.; as, the set of a spring.
- English Word Set Definition A kind of punch used for bending, indenting, or giving shape to, metal; as, a saw set.
- English Word Set Definition A piece placed temporarily upon the head of a pile when the latter cannot be reached by the weight, or hammer, except by means of such an intervening piece.
- English Word Set Definition A short steel spike used for driving the head of a nail below the surface.
- English Word Set Definition A number of things of the same kind, ordinarily used or classed together; a collection of articles which naturally complement each other, and usually go together; an assortment; a suit; as, a set of chairs, of china, of surgical or mathematical instruments, of books, etc.
- English Word Set Definition A number of persons associated by custom, office, common opinion, quality, or the like; a division; a group; a clique.
- English Word Set Definition Direction or course; as, the set of the wind, or of a current.
- English Word Set Definition In dancing, the number of persons necessary to execute a quadrille; also, the series of figures or movements executed.
- English Word Set Definition The deflection of a tooth, or of the teeth, of a saw, which causes the the saw to cut a kerf, or make an opening, wider than the blade.
- English Word Set Definition A young oyster when first attached.
- English Word Set Definition Collectively, the crop of young oysters in any locality.
- English Word Set Definition A series of as many games as may be necessary to enable one side to win six. If at the end of the tenth game the score is a tie, the set is usually called a deuce set, and decided by an application of the rules for playing off deuce in a game. See Deuce.
- English Word Set Definition That dimension of the body of a type called by printers the width.
- English Word Set-fair Definition In plastering, a particularly good troweled surface.
- English Word Set-off Definition That which is set off against another thing; an offset.
- English Word Set-off Definition That which is used to improve the appearance of anything; a decoration; an ornament.
- English Word Set-off Definition A counterclaim; a cross debt or demand; a distinct claim filed or set up by the defendant against the plaintiff's demand.
- English Word Set-off Definition Same as Offset, n., 4.
- English Word Set-off Definition See Offset, 7.
- English Word Set-stitched Definition Stitched according to a formal pattern.
- English Word Set-to Definition A contest in boxing, in an argument, or the like.
- English Word Seta Definition Any slender, more or less rigid, bristlelike organ or part; as the hairs of a caterpillar, the slender spines of a crustacean, the hairlike processes of a protozoan, the bristles or stiff hairs on the leaves of some plants, or the pedicel of the capsule of a moss.
- English Word Seta Definition One of the movable chitinous spines or hooks of an annelid. They usually arise in clusters from muscular capsules, and are used in locomotion and for defense. They are very diverse in form.
- English Word Seta Definition One of the spinelike feathers at the base of the bill of certain birds.
- English Word Setaceous Definition Set with, or consisting of, bristles; bristly; as, a stiff, setaceous tail.
- English Word Setaceous Definition Bristelike in form or texture; as, a setaceous feather; a setaceous leaf.
- English Word Setae Definition of Seta