SPage 130
- English Word Secular Definition Belonging to the laity; lay; not clerical.
- English Word Secular Definition A secular ecclesiastic, or one not bound by monastic rules.
- English Word Secular Definition A church official whose functions are confined to the vocal department of the choir.
- English Word Secular Definition A layman, as distinguished from a clergyman.
- English Word Secularism Definition The state or quality of being secular; a secular spirit; secularity.
- English Word Secularism Definition The tenets or principles of the secularists.
- English Word Secularist Definition One who theoretically rejects every form of religious faith, and every kind of religious worship, and accepts only the facts and influences which are derived from the present life; also, one who believes that education and other matters of civil policy should be managed without the introduction of a religious element.
- English Word Secularity Definition Supreme attention to the things of the present life; worldliness.
- English Word Secularization Definition The act of rendering secular, or the state of being rendered secular; conversion from regular or monastic to secular; conversion from religious to lay or secular possession and uses; as, the secularization of church property.
- English Word Secularize Definition To convert from regular or monastic into secular; as, to secularize a priest or a monk.
- English Word Secularize Definition To convert from spiritual or common use; as, to secularize a church, or church property.
- English Word Secularize Definition To make worldly or unspiritual.
- English Word Secularized Definition of Secularize
- English Word Secularizing Definition of Secularize
- English Word Secularly Definition In a secular or worldly manner.
- English Word Secularness Definition The quality or state of being secular; worldliness; worldly-minded-ness.
- English Word Secund Definition Arranged on one side only, as flowers or leaves on a stalk.
- English Word Secundate Definition To make prosperous.
- English Word Secundation Definition Prosperity.
- English Word Secundine Definition The second coat, or integument, of an ovule, lying within the primine.
- English Word Secundine Definition The afterbirth, or placenta and membranes; -- generally used in the plural.
- English Word Secundo-geniture Definition A right of inheritance belonging to a second son; a property or possession so inherited.
- English Word Securable Definition That may be secured.
- English Word Secure Definition Free from fear, care, or anxiety; easy in mind; not feeling suspicion or distrust; confident.
- English Word Secure Definition Overconfident; incautious; careless; -- in a bad sense.
- English Word Secure Definition Confident in opinion; not entertaining, or not having reason to entertain, doubt; certain; sure; -- commonly with of; as, secure of a welcome.
- English Word Secure Definition Net exposed to danger; safe; -- applied to persons and things, and followed by against or from.
- English Word Secure Definition To make safe; to relieve from apprehensions of, or exposure to, danger; to guard; to protect.
- English Word Secure Definition To put beyond hazard of losing or of not receiving; to make certain; to assure; to insure; -- frequently with against or from, rarely with of; as, to secure a creditor against loss; to secure a debt by a mortgage.
- English Word Secure Definition To make fast; to close or confine effectually; to render incapable of getting loose or escaping; as, to secure a prisoner; to secure a door, or the hatches of a ship.